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Teens will be teens


VIP Member
So as a owner you said fighting was allowed. You said for mods to not be referees. Let teens be teens. Yet when i am just being honest and not even fighting in the room i get muted because you let someone be a mod that 1 doesnt pay attention in the room, 2 disapears constantly, and 3 just flirts with girls. Yes i was being honest, why cant i as a teen tell another user i think they like attention and drama? Im not being rude or attacking them just giving my personal opinion. Yet when she gets upset its ok for her boyfriend to mute me for upsetting her? No that is a abuse of power by a mod.i was not disrupting chat only his gf. Yet when i complain to you, then i get kicked for a day? But this is teens being teens? Or you abusing your power like you let your mods? Oh or just the male mods? Yes i have all the screen shots. I can post them too if youd like.
Plus i even thought Thanos said not to be biased. That used to be a reason to get booted. Or have those rules changed too? Or is it just when it involves me?
Just because it’s your opinion doesn’t mean it won’t be perceived as rude, or anything of the such. Some things are left better to PM’s. Along with this, though it seems you are talking about one mod, remember that mods have lives outside of 321. What you mention feels vague, and not really in depth. It would be nice for more context. Along with all of the previous, specifically targeting all “male mods” seems rather inappropriate.
So you want more details? OKI just said I was feeling an honest mood and a user said sure be honest. So I told her that she just liked attention and was always wanting to be involved in drama. Which was my honest opinion of her since I had known her for 6-8 months in chat. And she asked me why I was being rude and I just told her I wasn't being rude I was just being honest. Then I made a comment in main "that imagine the feeling if you're dating someone for a long period of time and they turned out to be fake" wasn't directed at any one...just a comment. This same user came at me asking me why I thought she was fake. Even her friends in chat pointed out that I was not directing it at anyone it was just a statement to which she responded oh. So my only response was I'm sorry if that offended you maybe it hit too close to home I was just making a statement. Her boyfriend that is a mod decided to mute me because I was causing drama. No warnings... no Hey let's not have this conversation ....it wasn't even an argument. No rules were broken.
So you want more details? OKI just said I was feeling an honest mood and a user said sure be honest. So I told her that she just liked attention and was always wanting to be involved in drama. Which was my honest opinion of her since I had known her for 6-8 months in chat. And she asked me why I was being rude and I just told her I wasn't being rude I was just being honest. Then I made a comment in main "that imagine the feeling if you're dating someone for a long period of time and they turned out to be fake" wasn't directed at any one...just a comment. This same user came at me asking me why I thought she was fake. Even her friends in chat pointed out that I was not directing it at anyone it was just a statement to which she responded oh. So my only response was I'm sorry if that offended you maybe it hit too close to home I was just making a statement. Her boyfriend that is a mod decided to mute me because I was causing drama. No warnings... no Hey let's not have this conversation ....it wasn't even an argument. No rules were broken.
Feel free to send me those screenshots you spoke of through the forum, I think you have to click on my profile.