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Teen chat 321 banning thing

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My opinion is that this is a great chat room but it not they don't stop stalkers and they try to say you have alts when you don't it also they banned you with something that don't make sense and blame you for things you didn't do so yeah and not talk to them first sometimes people makes mistakes and sometimes people forget the rules completely so yeah I am mad at it and they don't even let you make a new account after your banned to get maybe a fresh start like some people mess up we all are human don't think that your perfect because your the owner of this chat room or help out that making you have higher power and by having our ip address is kinda scary but I do like this chat room but they don't give second chances
We give second chances to those who deserve it and if it's the correct approach based on what they did to end up being acted on. In your case, redemption was not considered as the actions you made to end up in the position you're in were inexcusable.
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