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Technology Issue


VIP Member
Recently, when I access 321 under the name (RITUAL-) I can't talk in main, or reply to PMs. It doesn't show I typed. I'm not muted at all, and I tried every trick in the book of, refreshing, logging in and out, switching accounts, etc and it STILL WON'T WORK.

Anyone have a solution?
Hi Trench,

Hm, this is quite unusual, but at the same time I have experienced all of sundry of similar issues when using chat rooms. I have no idea what causes these types of issues. You would think if you press send on a message that, that would be that.

Unfortunately i’m not able to help on this, but my sympathies are with you, and hopefully you will get this resolved soon. 🙂
Daniel Usally when that happens it means you've done something to break TOS so you're muted for about 30 minutes I think. Or it means you're a new account.
Hey Meowmeowcow

Greetings to you 😊.

That’s what crossed my mind originally when I read it. But I feel sure that this person has used it longer than 30 minutes. Anyhow hope they got this sorted by now.
Hey Meowmeowcow

Greetings to you 😊.

That’s what crossed my mind originally when I read it. But I feel sure that this person has used it longer than 30 minutes. Anyhow hope they got this sorted by now.
I've been a user for almost two years now. Problems never happened to me. And I was never mute/kicked etc
Hi Trench,

Hm, this is quite unusual, but at the same time I have experienced all of sundry of similar issues when using chat rooms. I have no idea what causes these types of issues. You would think if you press send on a message that, that would be that.

Unfortunately i’m not able to help on this, but my sympathies are with you, and hopefully you will get this resolved soon. 🙂
Thank you for the sympathy :)