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suggestion: control your mods

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New member
they were rude to me and to lots of people. they abuse of their power to ban and kick and mute. and I have a screenshot of a mod who literally told me "this is a private owned site" implying that admin and mods can do whatever they feel like and thats it
If you are going to leave this feedback, at least be honest when leaving it.

You wanted to throw in the conversation that your 'brother in law is an attorney, so Im aware of this things' - in which I told you it is a privately owned site.
So don't try twist my words by saying I am implying we can do what we like.

You called me rude because I said I don't care what your brother in law is, which I don't.
It has no interest to me what so ever and nothing site related.

I tried to explain things to you so you could understand.. I told you I was waiting on the help to help you access the appeals -

I'm sorry but if you truly found the way I spoke to you 'rude' maybe an online chat site is not for you - because in no means was I rude to you.
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If you are going to leave this feedback, at least be honest when leaving it.

You wanted to throw in the conversation that your 'brother in law is an attorney, so Im aware of this things' - in which I told you it is a privately owned site.
So don't try twist my words by saying I am implying we can do what we like.

You called me rude because I said I don't care what your brother in law is, which I don't.
It has no interest to me what so ever and nothing site related.

I tried to explain things to you so you could understand.. I told you I was waiting on the help to help you access the appeals -

I'm sorry but if you truly found the way I spoke to you 'rude' maybe an online chat site is not for you - because in no means was I rude to you.
well, I get it wrong then. I didn't gave any names because I thought you were sweet and caring at first, when I told you my problem. but then you started defending faramir or whatever her/his/their name is , and s/he WAS rude and entitled with me. and I told you kt was unfair and then you said its a private owned site, so I get from that that I have to swallow any injustice
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