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suggestion #1

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Dear 321Chat Message Board users,

Hello, my name is Evelynn Gaines. I am a proud devoted Catholic and I was speaking to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He told me he'd absolutely love a pink theme for users to use on 321Chat Message Board. Think of how lovely everything would be with some color? None of this black and white. Those colors sure do make me have such a gloomy attitude. Anywho, please think this suggestion through and through. My Lord and Savior would be very pleased if you do as I ask. Thank you so very much for taking your valuable time to read this suggestion of mine. I don't know if I have to put "suggestion #1" as a title as if it were common mannerisms of this forum. Please have yourself a blessed day or evening.

Love, Evelynn
I wouldn’t be against it. It’s not an easy task!

If we had a theme for each of the room’s themes it would be cool.

That would give each user a choice to pick for their individual (favourite) room.
It would be is someone gives you the file….
so God came down from on high and instead of handling the Israel/Gaza conflict decided that 321 chat should have color?
Dear TacoMan,

Hello, my name is Evelynn Gaines. I am a strong and devoted Catholic and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ told me to tell you that that war will end exactly 2 months, 3 days, 5 hours, and 40 minutes from this beautiful day. Please have yourself a lovely day or afternoon.

Love, Evelynn
Dear Ass Divine,

Hello, my name is Evelynn Gaines. As a devoted Catholic and believer of the Bible I can assure you that nobody goes to hell. Everyone goes to heaven if they do one single good deed in their lifetime. That way everyone can spend eternity with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No pain and no sin for everyone. All you have to do is believe that I am your mother and sister in Christ and then do one single good deed and you'll end up in heaven. No matter how small that deed is. I already did something nice and I consider you as my father and brother so I'll be up there in heaven when I shed out of my shell. You have yourself a lovely day or afternoon now.

Love, Evelynn
Dear TacoMan,

Hello, my name is Evelynn Gaines. I am a strong and devoted Catholic and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ told me to tell you that that war will end exactly 2 months, 3 days, 5 hours, and 40 minutes from this beautiful day. Please have yourself a lovely day or afternoon.

Love, Evelynn
Dear TacoMan,

Hello, my name is Evelynn Gaines. I am a strong and devoted Catholic and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ told me to tell you that that war will end exactly 2 months, 3 days, 5 hours, and 40 minutes from this beautiful day. Please have yourself a lovely day or afternoon.

Love, Evelynn
everyone set your alarms
between god's chosen one, dan the man, and now this monitor kid promoting other chat sites....this forum has been the gift that keeps on giving lately!!!
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