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Stupid Xbox Account Suspension


New member
Ok so here's how it went,

I was playing gta online earlier with my father and someone had killed me for no reason right before my cargo drop-off area, then kept killing me until I accepted a crew invite from dad, because after that they said "WOW cupcake went and got a crew member didn't work trash" and i had responded basically with calling them a wussy(except the other word) for killing me when I didn't do shit to them and was just trying to earn money from cargo and also running away from a 1v1 when i took out the railgun then up and atomizer, keep in mind NOTHING happens to them, but me? I get a suspension from being able to send messages. In my opinion xbox has gone downhill and they're fucking snowflakes that get offended easily. Because why am I the only one getting a suspension from messages when the person was talking shit first?


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