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Stories about being assault in public


Active member
I was assaulted while cycling in Ringwood (Australia)on the Eastlink trail around 6ish when I came around a corner a big man in a black hoodie jumped out and king hit me in the Jaw as i went flying in the ditch a bunch of other men came and held me down rummaging there my pockets and running off. one stomped the back of my head i never saw there faces all i remember was laughing and the stomper saying " take that you white honkey c-word". I have reported the incident to the police who say it's unlikely they'll find these guys back. It got me thinking about other ppl that have been assaulted, robbed, nearly run over and I want to read other stories about my fellow humans
My ex used to assault me in public. Mostly verbal though.

Though a major time someone close to me was assaulted in public was my little brother in high school.
His high school bully and his friends pulled him outside, kicked him down, stomped on him, rubbed dirt in his eyes almost blinding him, and tried to break his arm.
The school did absolutely nothing, so I took matters into my own hands.
To this day, if that guy sees me out in public, he will turn and walk the other way.