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Rules and Guidelines

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Staff member
Forum Rules and Etiquette

We ask you to keep the conversation civil, and in good taste. Please refrain from using vulgar language, personal attacks, racial, ethnic, or sexual innuendos. We have different age groups that visit this site, so keep this in mind when posting.

You are free to disagree with others, but if you stoop to personal abuse or attacks, your post(s) will be deleted. If you are insulted by a post, please report the post, but PLEASE DO NOT retaliate. You have the option to ignore other users on these forums.

Advertising or promoting any product or service on any of our message boards is prohibited, unless you have permission. We want to be fair to those who sponsor this site through advertising.

Information: 'Free Speech' on Message Boards. (TBU)

Illegal suggestions/material -
Respect the copyrights of other people, websites, software and printed media. Please no pointers, how-to's, advocating any illegal activity.

Questionable content - Some content issues are left to the discretion of the individual moderators, but may include any material that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, misleading, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, that otherwise violates any law, or that encourages conduct constituting a criminal offense.

Personal Info -
Do not post personal information such as your home address, email addresses or telephone numbers.

Impersonating/accessing another user's account -
You may not impersonate another board member or create an account specifically for the purpose of provoking other users. Also, accessing or using someone else's account or attempting to access another poster's account is strictly prohibited. This will not be tolerated and you will be banned.

Circumventing a Ban -
If you receive a message that you have been banned, it is not acceptable to return to the boards under another username. If you do, your ban time will be extended.
  • Corrective Action: TBC

If you do not follow the rules, we have the right to edit/delete your posts/account or deny your access to this board. If you are banned, you must not try to bypass the ban by registering new accounts, and you may not post messages to any part of the board. Repeat offenders will have their MAC Address banned from our webpages.

Post in the appropriate forum -
Please read each forum description before posting to ensure you are posting in the correct forum. Off topic posts will be moved to the correct forum.

No duplicate or repeat posts -
If no-one answers your question or responds to your post. Posting the same question over and over or in every forum will just annoy people and will not get answers.

Profanity -
Keep offensive language to a minimum.

Obscene material -
No posting of pornographic material or URL links to it.

Flaming, Bashing, and Trolling -
Hate posts and personal attacks will not be tolerated on the Forums, as is posting topics specifically to provoke a negative response from someone (AKA trolling).

Spam -
Purposely spamming a message board with senseless, vacuous, or empty messages is highly frowned upon, unless posting in test forums where spam is allowed to an extent.

Any post that is off-topic or contributes nothing useful or interesting to a thread is considered to be spam. Most spam posts will be moved or deleted. Spam includes posts that:

  • only contain emoticons.
  • only contain a short message, such as "LOL" or "hello."
  • are posted more than once, or immediately after another one of your posts (double post). There is an edit button. Please make use of it.
Signatures - No posting of pornographic material or links. No links (or urls) allowed in signatures (or the forums). Those continually breaking the rules will be banned for a few days. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently. You may have up to three images. Large images are not allowed. (You can tell by looking whether they are too large or not)

Moderator Requests -
Do not post any requests to become a chat/forum moderator. If mods are needed, we may post a thread.

Flashing Screens -
Are not, under no circumstances, to be used in signatures or posts in this forums. This can be dangerous to some users with Photo Sensitive Epilepsy and can cause serious harm.

User Accounts -
You may only have one account on these forums. All users whom we discovered to have multiple accounts will have at least one of their accounts deleted/banned. There is an automatic detection system that tells us who has multiple accounts, so please do not risk it.
  • Upon signing up you have agreed that once registered, your account will remain permanent.
Text Style - Messages should be typed and formatted so that others can read and understand them. Use of ALL CAPITALS, aLtErNaTe capitalization, poor spelling/grammar, and ugly fonts is discouraged.

Subjects -
The subject line of a thread should be descriptive, not something like "help plz." If a certain subject has already been discussed, making a new thread about it is discouraged. Please browse or search the forums before posting a thread.

Permissions based on post count - There are minimum post count requirements members need to acquire before you can send private messages, emails via the forums, post/view links, post/view images, post visitor messages to profiles, view/upload/add picture albums, social groups, attachments. Contact ChatMaster for more details.

While we attempt to edit or remove any messages that are against these rules or the law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this board. For this reason, you acknowledge that all messages posted on this board express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of the Forum Staff or 321Chat.com. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.

Note that any data provided to this board, including your IP address, can be stored in a database. Private information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent. However, we cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised.

We reserve the right to ban, edit or suspend a user on this message board for any reason at any time and without warning.

Information: 'Free Speech' on Message Boards. (TBU)

Chat Room Rules
- Here is what NOT to do, and what will be grounds for a ban:
  • Harass, threaten, degrade, intimidate, victimize, or other wise abuse an individual or group. (Hate speech on the basis of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religion or sexual orientation is unacceptable.)
  • Sell, advertise or otherwise post commercial solicitations, including web URLs.
  • Post any URL's regardless of the intent or content of the site. (Except where otherwise noted.)
  • Post any contact information (email/instant messenger address, home phone/address, etc.).
  • Post or advertise parties, meet and greets or any other function.
  • Post content that promotes, demonstrates or otherwise provides illegal instructional information - how to shoplift, how to hack a site, etc.
  • Attempt to collect other chatters' private, personal information such as telephone number, email/instant messenger address, home address or full name.
  • Posting another members' personal information (name, email/instant messenger address, home phone/address etc.)
  • Transmit or attempt to transmit a virus to other chatters.
  • Impersonate or misrepresent yourself as an employee of 321Chat.
  • Allow or instigate arguments to escalate into threats, harassment, or become violent in nature. While squabbles may occur between members, they must remain civil.
  • Flooding of the room (continuous posts of the same content).
  • Hacking - this includes speaking with or giving/asking for advice. No excuse.
  • Speaking a language other than one specified in the title of that room. You have the option to create your own rooms.
  • Respect the chat moderators. (Users with stars).
  • Chat Moderators may kick you out of the room as a warning or permanently ban you, for but not limited to any of the rules listed above.
  • Information: 'Free Speech' on Message Boards. (TBU)
Vist our main rules page: https://www.321chat.com/rules
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