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Re: Moderators are abusing their place

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VIP Member

Could not agree more. I'm on a ban that's been over a month now. It's no sweat off my back, but people cannot take jokes or have fun. In a world where everything is serious and people are forced to "adult" every day, there needs to be a designed escape, and that is what I use this for. Apparently, that idea is hated as everything must be serious and strict af. Admins here must have some big power struggle issues in life that they feel they must exert their online muscle onto chatters to make their lives a fraction of the hell that they endure every day from being such losers in real life.

Their reasoning... "this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules"

What they can't understand is that it's not a personal attack on them. It's more me suggesting to them that they contact their boss because their boss is the real one that calls the shots and makes the rules, and their boss and even them don't listen to me or take the time to understand or put together the message of what I'm trying to get across. And when I do "attack" them, it's more me calling them dumbasses for not understanding my simple words - that they can't even handle. Utterly fruitless for a reg who spent a good amount of time here helping promote the site. Shows the nonappreciation these dicksplashes have. So I'm not trying to bully or call names on these peeps, but in my view, they're dipshits.

I digress. The good news is that I have finished my latest course in college with a 106.5. So doing very well. Only a few more left.

If anything, this site and the people within it are here to remind me that there are much bigger things out there in this world than their small lives or the self-made prisons to which they confine themselves to, and are therefore upset and take it out on others. It makes me feel good that I'm moving in a positive direction with my life and I won't always be here in the future. I'm building for something more than this site, as should you. This site should just be a time killer for all of us, not a permanent installment in our lives. Some people have grown complacent with their places in life and society. I feel bad for these types of people as they should want to continue to learn and grow in an effort to become better individuals and humans.

This site is a good place to cut up if only the mods would remove the keyboards from their asses. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors and I hope that you find peace and solace in life away from here, where you'll only waste your life and span of time.

Best to you

You have been kicked
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Reason given
this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules "

... I guess they'll be getting a little more of me in about 22 more days for a short amount of time before I hang it up for good. Need to say goodbyes to a few people. What an odd reason though.
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Could not agree more. I'm on a ban that's been over a month now. It's no sweat off my back, but people cannot take jokes or have fun. In a world where everything is serious and people are forced to "adult" every day, there needs to be a designed escape, and that is what I use this for. Apparently, that idea is hated as everything must be serious and strict af. Admins here must have some big power struggle issues in life that they feel they must exert their online muscle onto chatters to make their lives a fraction of the hell that they endure every day from being such losers in real life.

Their reasoning... "this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules"

What they can't understand is that it's not a personal attack on them. It's more me suggesting to them that they contact their boss because their boss is the real one that calls the shots and makes the rules, and their boss and even them don't listen to me or take the time to understand or put together the message of what I'm trying to get across. And when I do "attack" them, it's more me calling them dumbasses for not understanding my simple words - that they can't even handle. Utterly fruitless for a reg who spent a good amount of time here helping promote the site. Shows the nonappreciation these dicksplashes have. So I'm not trying to bully or call names on these peeps, but in my view, they're dipshits.

I digress. The good news is that I have finished my latest course in college with a 106.5. So doing very well. Only a few more left.

If anything, this site and the people within it are here to remind me that there are much bigger things out there in this world than their small lives or the self-made prisons to which they confine themselves to, and are therefore upset and take it out on others. It makes me feel good that I'm moving in a positive direction with my life and I won't always be here in the future. I'm building for something more than this site, as should you. This site should just be a time killer for all of us, not a permanent installment in our lives. Some people have grown complacent with their places in life and society. I feel bad for these types of people as they should want to continue to learn and grow in an effort to become better individuals and humans.

This site is a good place to cut up if only the mods would remove the keyboards from their asses. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors and I hope that you find peace and solace in life away from here, where you'll only waste your life and span of time.

Best to you

You have been kicked
You will be able to re-enter the chat after
Reason given
this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules "

... I guess they'll be getting a little more of me in about 22 more days for a short amount of time before I hang it up for good. Need to say goodbyes to a few people. What an odd reason though.
yeah....i don't think calling them dicksplashes is a good argument in your defense rather it justifies why you're banned lol
You have been kicked
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Reason given
this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules "

Seems fitting considering your statement above, lol.

Could not agree more. I'm on a ban that's been over a month now. It's no sweat off my back, but people cannot take jokes or have fun. In a world where everything is serious and people are forced to "adult" every day, there needs to be a designed escape, and that is what I use this for. Apparently, that idea is hated as everything must be serious and strict af. Admins here must have some big power struggle issues in life that they feel they must exert their online muscle onto chatters to make their lives a fraction of the hell that they endure every day from being such losers in real life.

Their reasoning... "this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules"

What they can't understand is that it's not a personal attack on them. It's more me suggesting to them that they contact their boss because their boss is the real one that calls the shots and makes the rules, and their boss and even them don't listen to me or take the time to understand or put together the message of what I'm trying to get across. And when I do "attack" them, it's more me calling them dumbasses for not understanding my simple words - that they can't even handle. Utterly fruitless for a reg who spent a good amount of time here helping promote the site. Shows the nonappreciation these dicksplashes have. So I'm not trying to bully or call names on these peeps, but in my view, they're dipshits.

I digress. The good news is that I have finished my latest course in college with a 106.5. So doing very well. Only a few more left.

If anything, this site and the people within it are here to remind me that there are much bigger things out there in this world than their small lives or the self-made prisons to which they confine themselves to, and are therefore upset and take it out on others. It makes me feel good that I'm moving in a positive direction with my life and I won't always be here in the future. I'm building for something more than this site, as should you. This site should just be a time killer for all of us, not a permanent installment in our lives. Some people have grown complacent with their places in life and society. I feel bad for these types of people as they should want to continue to learn and grow in an effort to become better individuals and humans.

This site is a good place to cut up if only the mods would remove the keyboards from their asses. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors and I hope that you find peace and solace in life away from here, where you'll only waste your life and span of time.

Best to you

You have been kicked
You will be able to re-enter the chat after
Reason given
this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules "

... I guess they'll be getting a little more of me in about 22 more days for a short amount of time before I hang it up for good. Need to say goodbyes to a few people. What an odd reason though.
yeah....i don't think calling them dicksplashes is a good argument in your defense rather it justifies why you're banned lol
Calling them dick splashes is all post facto. They have chat logs they can check to verify. Nowhere will this be mentioned inside a chatroom. I have had time away from the keyboard to think of what I would have liked to include in this complaint, and that description fits them most accurately.
You have been kicked
You will be able to re-enter the chat after
Reason given
this chatter cannot seem to abide by the rules, whenever he does something against them he attacks the mods for acting on him - have some time to go over the rules "

Seems fitting considering your statement above, lol.

As I responded to the previous reply, the name dick splash has not been mentioned until now. The reason for this call of response is the way I was treated and bullied at the time. Some people sit here on their asses and fester all day looking for people to take it out on.
jesus fucking christ
i know the moderators can be bitchy and there are times where its just a pesky teenager making the most bullshit claim
but i agree entirely with brendon here, theres a difference between an unfair kick and actually having to take responsibility
plus i dont think appealing a kick with that sort of attitude and in a public forum would get your kick appealed buddy, you always have to kiss their ass with shit like this
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