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Random musings


VIP Member
So, a lot of stuff has been happening in my life lately. I got a girlfriend. I am playing guitar. I now have two guitars! One blue fender acoustic with Fishman (?) electronics, and one random $200 acoustic that I used for busking. Life is good.

I got kicked out of Grosman's Tavern tonight. The owner thought I was wreckless and being annoying and bugging everyone. Is this because I was trying to sell smokes and I got a $5 bill off someone, a customer?

Anyway, decent venue overall, and Christina (owner) is alright. She's a nice lady. I just wish it wasn't so hard to get up there and on stage and playing.

My guitar skills are awesome. I am literally amazing. And I'm NOT "tooting my own horn".

I'll try to upload some footage of me playing or something. I think I have a video of me somewhere on my computer (iMac). Or I might make something new, like a track or something.

Politically, I am still conservative as ever. I just realized, to myself, that "global warming" is a complete cash grab. It is not real. It is a money grab by the scientists. Same thing happened with the "ozone layer deterioration phenomenon" in the 80's and 90's. You don't hear about that any more. Apparently the ozone layer was going to have big holes in it or something from the waves radiating out of fridges and stuff. What?? Oh my God. Same thing with this global warming shit.

I don't think cigarettes cause cancer. This is weird, I know. Here, I'll post a snippet (if I can figure out how) of a brief scientific article from a very reputable source. Let's see if I can get it.


Sorry for the large font. I want you to have the full image. No point in resizing.

Essentially, it is not proven that tobacco or anything causes cancer. I am not sure of the direct link between cancer and tobacco. I apply logic, usually. How would tobacco cause cancer? What is cancer? Cancer is a mutation. It is an abnormality of the cells. It is genetic.

It is a strange mutation and growth and abnormality of RNA and possibly DNA. It has to do with the genetic code of the cells and the nucleus and the riboflaven-whatever. How could smoke alter this? How?? I ask you.

The indigenous people invented tobacco (or discovered it). Why would they invent or have something that is harmful? That is so insidiously and crazily evil to cause the most destructive disease on the planet (CANCER)? I ask you this.

I still want to quit smoking cause it's a bad habit... But c'mon. Cancer? I don't know. I have to think this through. I don't want to just "trust" the experts.

Also, there is so much political and business motivation behind wanting to try to take the big cigarette companies down, the tobacco companies. They are already extremely powerful, huge businesses and powerhouses on the international scale, and perhaps to avoid monopoly power creation, governments and agencies employ "scientists" to take them out in a huge PR initiative. I mean this started in the 60's, I think. 1968 I believe is when it came out. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm too lazy to check it.

But yeah, cigarettes, cancer? I don't think so. I don't know the link. And I don't trust the sources and the information. No one in my life, and as of yet, has adequately explained to me how cigarette smoke causes cancer. There it is.

Sharyl is the new love of my life. She is awesome.

Uhhhh, yeah. Is that it? I think so. I'll try to post some music of mine later. Have a good night.
As promised, here is some guitar that I have worked on tonight.


Waltz #2


Time of Your Life

*** Make sure that when you click on the link, you are right-clicking (on a PC) and control-clicking (on a Mac) in order to open the link in a new browser window or tab. The music will not download otherwise ***
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Really? That's interesting.

I don't see how being conservative is "legal hate crime".

Perhaps you could explain?
I'll add a few more random musings because I'm bored as fuck.

Number one: Mensa.

I called Mensa Canada, looking to see what they're all about. They said that it is a good place to meet other "high IQ" friends. We'll see.

They have a fee of like $95/year and you have to write an IQ test which costs like $70.

I am trying to do the online practice test and the fuckin' web page timed out and is not loading. I'll try again tomorrow I guess.

I'm getting really tired of this shit. I'm broke. I have no money. My girlfriend is unwell. She is not returning my calls.

I am literally eating fuckin' peanut butter and honey and stale bread. I am making soup from random ingredients. I have a roof over my head, luckily, but my floors are filthy.

I bought an amp today, which was sick. But it's fuckin' snowy as hell outside and i can't play outside or busk, so there goes my income for today. I wrote 1.5 songs today. I need a microphone and headphones to proceed. I am using garage band.

What the fuck.

The worst part about being poor, or broke, is not dealing with the lack of money. It is knowing that you are worth so so much more and that you can do nothing to fix it.

Yeah. Anyway, Musings.

Maybe I'll upload more music later.

Being conservative is just legal hate crime imo.

"Legal Hate Crime" is pushing it but I get the point. I agree with you 100%.
Most conservatives want to be paid fairly for their work. To live in a safer environment. To start a family and have children.
Our beliefs are logical for those wants. And most will fight like hell to have them.

Conservative Beliefs

Abortion - Abortion is murder. Human life begins at conception.

Affirmative Action - People should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their abilities.

Death Penalty - Executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life.

Economy -
The free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise create the greatest opportunity and the highest standard of
living for all.

Immigration - Support legal immigration only. Those who break the law by entering the country illegally do not have the same rights as those who
obey the law and enter legally.

Same-sex Marriage - Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Oppose same-sex marriage.

Taxes - Lower taxes. A smaller government with limited power will improve the standard of living for all.

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Relaxing Happy Sunday GIF by HeimatkundeVerl.de