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How long do I have wait to get unbanned and will I be aloud. Be back on and when I was banned did it alert the people I was talking to on pm I was banned
How long do I have wait to get unbanned and will I be aloud. Be back on and when I was banned did it alert the people I was talking to on pm I was banned
Hello Hun all ban are permanent you are welcome to fill out ban form appeal as Askul said .. but not everything is guaranteed that you'll be unbanned

and no the chatter you was talking to it didn't alert them unless they clicked on your profile .. and this is the link to the ban appeal form https://www.321chat.com/contact/banned.php
Yes we could but we aren't allowed to it's up to the Chat Master / Admins to approve the unban .. I'll look into it for you though so what's your username on there ? Is it the same as here
Yeah LadyMystery the adim said I wont get unbanned till 1st of December but that's long wait I have friends on there I rp with who probably worried about me by time I get back on our chats will be cleared would be great I could get unbanned sooner then December 1st
Yeah LadyMystery the adim said I wont get unbanned till 1st of December but that's long wait I have friends on there I rp with who probably worried about me by time I get back on our chats will be cleared would be great I could get unbanned sooner then December 1st
I see though unfortunately you won't be able to be unbanned until December first .. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until then
Really my rp friends will be worried by time I get back our rp pm chat messages will be cleared and I won't remember were we left of at and not fair I seen other people on there say worse things and harrass and bully people on main but they don't get banned the mods don't do anything but defend them
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