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Some polyamorous relationships involve a group of people who all consider themselves to be in a romantic relationship with each other, while others may involve a "primary" couple who have other partners or "secondary" relationships. Some polyamorous relationships may be open, allowing partners to have sexual or romantic relationships outside the group, while others may be closed.

Communication is key in polyamorous relationships. It's important for all partners to be open and honest about their feelings, needs, and boundaries. This can involve setting rules or guidelines to ensure that everyone's needs are being met and that everyone is comfortable with the dynamics of the relationship.

Polyamorous relationships can be rewarding and fulfilling for those involved, but they require a lot of work, honesty, and communication to maintain. It's important for all partners to be aware of and respectful of each other's feelings, boundaries, and needs in order to build healthy and successful relationships.
How the fuck do poly relationships work?- Like as in if you don't like someone that your dating with. Do you vote them off like amogus or some shit? H e l p .
You discuss with your lovers with communication, then they come to the conclusion. If that partner doesn't like that person on they leave typically.