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Beyond The Palm Springs 🍡🦦 🏖️
VIP Member
choose one to answer

1. If you could change one thing abt you what would it be and why

2. Who’s ur most streamed music artist of all time and do you still listen to them?

3. Do you think schools should make it so you only go 4 days and have 3 days off?

4. Is murder ok? (talking about humans)
do you think it is in any type of instance even death penalty?
| If no then do you think they should spend life in jail instead? |

5. Which is more important? War or climate

6. What’s one thing your looking forward too?
Murder is wrong, but it's human nature.

Unless the murderer was acting in self-defense, all murderers should be executed collectively.

Harsher penalties result in less crime.
Extreme destruction can be a result of both war and climate change.

Unlike climate change, every instance of war has had a negative impact on mankind.

Without war, we could work collectively and contribute to worldwide issues such as climate change.