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pro-life continued...

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VIP Member
so, i am pro life.

i have said this.

the reason why i am pro life, i have said, also, is that i believe the father has a choice and a say, and that it is his baby just as much as ther mom's... i even said, i think, that it is primarily his baby, because he is in charge of supporting it. for now, i will stand by that.

i have learned a few other things though... life is sacred. it belongs to Him. you cannot take it.

pro life. forever
Also, there is not nearly enough religion in Canada. The Israeli's have a better idea about this.

A country with a strong religious doctrine is better at upholding and supporting and administering laws and justice.


A religious nation is a conservative nation.

I support and want this, for Canada.

We peace-keep. And we were involved in World War II and fought valiantly on Vimy Ridge in France. Our glorious exploits in World War II are well documented, and are an amazing part of our history. There are monuments to it in Ottawa, our capitol.

Our population is small (right now 35 million) but we always send troops and support noble causes.
Can you elaborate more?

The Nazi's didn't have a formal state religion they are a militarized autocracy and they started the War.

I don't buy the point that a relgious state is a violent one, or that religion means violence or conflict always. IT can also mean peace, and upholding the peace. The Unite States is violent and starts wars and provokes shit and shit because of their imperialist colonial model. It has nothing to do with religion whatsoever.

Also, ISrael, is a PEACEFul nation. They defend themselves yes, but they DO NOT invade. At all.

Japan is a BLOODY nation. They have so much blood on their hands, especially if you look at the history in Southern and South-eastern Asia in the early part of the 20th century. The Korea War, for example. Japan is not a religious state. Their official grouping is "shinto-ism", and there is some "buddhism" as well, and other miscellaneous "religions" or spiritual pathways.

No, I am not accepting that a religious state is a violent one, or that a religious state causes conflict, internationally or domestically. But yeah, you can prove me wrong if you want to take a shot.

It has everything to do with religion.

I am not saying that religion = violence, but certainly if you take religion out of a lot of equations there would certainly be a lot less war because religion unfortunately breeds a culture of 'You have, I want'

We need to separate 'religion' from 'Belief' because it is my understanding that religion is there to capitalise on belief, and I have ZERO issue with people believing in whatever god or deity they chose to believe in or don't want to believe in, that is not the issue. The issue is religion building churches and capitalising on belief and pitting people against one another with the attached stigma of 'Believe in our god or you are going to hell'.

If that is the case, we are all going to end up in the same place.
It has everything to do with religion.
literal rhetoric

a lot less war because religion unfortunately breeds a culture of 'You have, I want'

You are not providing proof. You have made a statement, without proof. You have said as your conclusion, that "a culture of 'you have, i want.". That is a conclusion without a logical proceeding statement establishing a series and flow of logical deduction. I want to see some premise in order to prove your conclusion. I don't agree with your conclusion. Religion does NOT create a culture of 'you have, i want.' Not at all. Christianity is all about not having anything, in fact. The "meek shall inherit the Earth". Jesus was poor, and did not have any possessions whatsoever. He did not believe in money. All he had were gifts. He did not beg. People of Israel gave him food as he went on his journey. The citizens flocked to him and followed him. ,bare-footed, through the dessert and through the streets of Jerusalem and other cities.

We need to separate 'religion' from 'Belief' because it is my understanding that religion is there to capitalise on belief, and I have ZERO issue with people believing in whatever god or deity they chose to believe in or don't want to believe in,

Let me stop you right there. Religion and belief are not the same at all. You are doing a fallacy here. Religion is not about beflief, because religion is knowing. One does not simply "believe in God", although this is waht they will say if you ask them directly, if they do believe in God or accept a principle deity. What more can one say? It is the only statement one can make, and the only response to that question. But religion is much more about knowledge, than belief.

that is not the issue. The issue is religion building churches and capitalising on belief and pitting people against one another with the attached stigma of 'Believe in our god or you are going to hell'.

Churches are the pinnacle of our civilization. They are monumental wonders. They are beautiful works of architecture. It is no wonder that people "believe" in God once they enter them. They are magnificent.

"Believe in our God, or you are going to hell." This is another fallacy. No one is telling anyone else to believe in their God or they are "going to hell". The principle of hell doesn't even exist unless you believe in it first. Therefore, religious belief, and belief in God, is a journey one must make for themselves. Never has the Church tried to convert someone to believe in their principles, or in God. It is not about forcing conversion. It is about helping people that want to be saved.

You will not see the Jehova's witnesses approaching you aggressively on the street. They always stand by the sidelines and look friendly. They talk amongst themselves. They have information and pamphlets at the ready, should someone want to stop by and take one. And of course an open discussion too, if that is desired.

The Jehova's witnesses that come knocking on your door don't do this randomly. Your demographic, your household, is carefully chosen and vetted from administration that suggests you might be a good target for preaching and educating. It is very easy to get rid of Jehova's witneeses. They are very respectful people. I am not a Jehova's witness, but, I have talked to them, and they are cool in my book actually. Very peaceful and good.

That's all I will say about this fallacy of religious leaders and advocates converting, and forcing the notion of "believe in our God or you are going to hell." I think that is a very common misconception, and it is rooted in an ignorant and passive approach to how religion has developed throughout our entire history, the history of humanity, and continues to develop and spread and educate today. I am not saying that you are ignorant. I am saying that this is what many people believe, and that that belief is rooted in ignorance.

If that is the case, we are all going to end up in the same place.

No. Absolutely not. Hell is reserved for the wicked. You are born good, or you are born bad, unfortunately. The bad cannot be saved, but, their experience on Earth will be hell for them.

This sounds crazy I know. I sound like a fundamentalist. But, it is my "belief". I believe criminals are born, not made. There is definitely a wicked gene. You could even call it an "evil" gene if you want, although I probably wouldn't go that far. There are evil people out there, however. Can we agree on that?

I respect religion mainly not for trying to save these peoples' souls, I respect it more because they provide the backing for laws. As I have said. This is why I like it. It is, and has always been, the foundation for laws and the legal and justice system. It is the basis for civilization.

One more point, to consider. All religions involve an after-life. It is THE common denominator when considering "religion". You cannot talk about a "God" being the common denominator. Many religions have multiple Gods and deities. The Egyptians, for example. The Greeks. And such. The Trinity. The Prophet Mohammed. Jesus. The Jews believe in one God.

The Bible is a great read. I love Genesis. It is great inspiration, and helps explain human nature, why God *is a presence*, and why humans have a need for God. Why we use the concept to explain the Universe, and our place within it.
we can bang on about opinions all we like. I have stated my beliefs. this topics is over as it is the only evidence I need that religion causes conflict and I hate conflict.
Or I destroyed you...?
you actually didn't, my opinions haven't changed, you actually bored me by going in circles with your unchanging rhetoric that we are all familiar that fanatacist deal with. As I said, you are literally proving my point that religion is the cause of conflict.
you actually didn't, my opinions haven't changed, you actually bored me by going in circles with your unchanging rhetoric that we are all familiar that fanatacist deal with. As I said, you are literally proving my point that religion is the cause of conflict.
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