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people chatting on mod account in public chatrooms and the conflict of interest.

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obviously being new I did some peaceful fortunate telling and a few lines of commentary when it all evolved as everyone knows it would.
so I got threatened by mods and I got kicked for 30 hours I think.
it's a conflict of interest to be chatting on a person level mixed with modding by talking mixed with kicking/muting imo and these repeat warnings of rules being broken can be triggered by any guest or user at any time.
At least be honest -

You most definitely are not new.

You stated last night how you had been here before and how you were previously banned by past Admins. (You even named them).
Even making comments about you informing CM of your arrival after VIP -
You were complaining about the rules stated on the website as soon as you entered before you even spoke to anyone, blaming that on the mods.
You were complaining how mods shouldn't interact and chat because you had bad experiences at other places.

Since you first arrived, your only intent was to stir trouble and hate the mods. Why?

One of the mods in the Adult room was kind to you and even took the time to welcome you and chat with you.

If you want to complain about the mods, at least make it honest.
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