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Outside Links Clarification


VIP Member
Can we get some clarification on outside links? The chat rules say no .exe or .zip files.......yet I've been banned for a simple link to a news story....as well as another time for a link for an Earthcam live street cam. Wasn't questioned about the link or anything. Just banned for "unknown link". Like, why not pm the person and ASK them...."hey, what's this link for?" instead of just auto-banning someone for a link???
You can pretty much post most links but if they’re long complicated links they could be detected as spam.

Unfortunately the filter system that triggers posts as spam isn’t perfect and probably never can be. So we’d encourage users to contact us if they’ve been muted and they don’t know why.

Most of the filters have been removed or updated but we can’t remove everything unfortunately.

We’re okay with most links being posted if they’re in line with the topic or general conversation but just make sure you’re not promoting something, using affiliated links, using short links and definitely no other chat sites.

The filter system on the chat works the same in private messages as it does in open rooms.

Moderators usually add an action an account to log it, even if they did ask what the link is. They’re not expected to click it themselves to find out.

I hope this helps!
so are these ok??? ...an Earthcam live link from a city? say Times Square cam or Bourbon street cam????

also....these werent spam filter bans....they were bans from mods probably after a flag cuz it didnt happen for a minute or two so i guess what i'm asking is can the mods look/ask first before jumping on that ban button???
You can pretty much post most links but if they’re long complicated links they could be detected as spam.

Unfortunately the filter system that triggers posts as spam isn’t perfect and probably never can be. So we’d encourage users to contact us if they’ve been muted and they don’t know why.

Most of the filters have been removed or updated but we can’t remove everything unfortunately.

We’re okay with most links being posted if they’re in line with the topic or general conversation but just make sure you’re not promoting something, using affiliated links, using short links and definitely no other chat sites.

The filter system on the chat works the same in private messages as it does in open rooms.

Moderators usually add an action an account to log it, even if they did ask what the link is. They’re not expected to click it themselves to find out.

I hope this helps!
thanks for clarifying :) I wasn't too sure
so are these ok??? ...an Earthcam live link from a city? say Times Square cam or Bourbon street cam????

also....these werent spam filter bans....they were bans from mods probably after a flag cuz it didnt happen for a minute or two so i guess what i'm asking is can the mods look/ask first before jumping on that ban button???
You've asked me the same question again which was answered.

To answer the other question you asked here, the simple answer is no.
not really cuz now i'm confused.....

u seemed to indicate they were ok....yet now seem to be saying no???

earthcam isnt a chatsite...

im not trying to be an ass...im just asking for clarification

here is the link in question for that matter :

not long...not .exe....not .zip....not a chat site
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Sorry but your question has been answered.

That link is fine and I’ve also explained why a moderator would take action - they’re not expected to test links or ask what they’re about.

If you have any problems then perhaps contact a moderator and ask them if the link is okay to share.

I’m well aware of what earth cam is.

You really have missed the points here so just read them again.
thanks for the clarification...im sorry but i really felt like u said yes originally then in that 2nd to last said no....

but we good now!! so thanks!