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Opinions on Will Smith's Slap

Limited Edition

VIP Member
You've probably heard and seen the moment at the Oscars when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.

For those of you that don't know, Jada has alopecia which is a medical condition that causes hair loss. The joke made was about Jada's hair.

I feel like Chris Rock went too far with that joke, but Will Smith could have handled it better. He could have talked to Chris in private or messaged him about it. Instead, he didn't think straight and acted in an unprofessional manner. He's lucky Chris didn't press any charges against him.

What do you think? Did he go to far or do you think he was doing the right thing by defending Jada?

This is just my opinion. Will Smith has every right to smack Chris Rock; it's a big difference between doing comedy and being insulting. Comics are going way too far with insulting jokes with not funny. What bothers me the most is when people keep talking about Will Smith laughing. First of all, Will Smith did not know that he was talking about his wife before Chris Rock said her name, and this is not the first time that Chris Rock insulted Jada smith with his quote-on-quote comedy joke. Even Chris Rock, no, he was wrong. What do you think? Was he still standing there? He was waiting for him to come. I dedicate this post to celebrity comedy with a question. When will you stop making insulting jokes and come up with some actual jokes to make people laugh again. ?