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she's right the person should use their ignore , or report a pm if needed, spamming this all over the forum is not the answer
she's right the person should use their ignore , or report a pm if needed, spamming this all over the forum is not the answer
🤦🏻So bullying is totally not an issue here?, as mods y'all need to think before answering, she isn't wrong about the ignore button but non of y'all are are looking at the fact that someone was bullied more of the victim using the ignore its,like your kids getting bullied when you report it to the principal he tells you that your child is at fault she should have ignored them, forgetting that bulling is not allowed and school is supposed to be a safe place not a place where bullying is normal and you just ignore and can't really complain because a mod will tell you the ignore instead of focusing on the fact that you just bullied "us the ignore its not that hart" you need to think of this before having to answer ok?
There is no context in that screenshot.
Use ignore as suggested and of course report the relevant posts/messages by flagging them in the chat room.
This isn't school.
Cool ig bulling is absolutely alright here and you don't need a degree to understand the context i know its not school ,its just an example😑 its a place with absolutely no order 👍🏻
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