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New mods.

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VIP Member
It feels as if all the “good” mods have been demoted, for little to no reason. I’m pretty sure there’s only like 2 mods for GTC or so, and the current mods looove favoritism. And, one of the mods’ girlfriends‘ said that they were actively trying to get me banned, like, provoking me until I say something bad enough for them to ban me? I am pretty sure that’s against the rules. But, yeah, unfair mods, and I think more people should apply to be one. I would but my mute history is pretty bad, LMAO, and I don’t currently have the time. Pretty busy with school, I just think that the people who choose the mods could do a better job.
Excuse me, but you have had a long history of having said pretty terrible stuff to people in private messages, on the wall, etc. This sort of behaviour is completely intolerable, and has been going on for some time now.
There was no conspiracy to provoke you to get banned, and the reason you were banned is even quite unrelated to the other things, but it is not something I can reveal as moderator information cannot be shared to ordinary users.
I think this coming from you is a bit unfair, as my friends have said you talk horribly about me on the wall. I stopped talking about you, a while ago. i’ve moved on, however you haven’t. and this wasn’t just about you. Please don’t talk to me, I don’t know you anymore, thank you.
Excuse me, but you have had a long history of having said pretty terrible stuff to people in private messages, on the wall, etc. This sort of behaviour is completely intolerable, and has been going on for some time now.
There was no conspiracy to provoke you to get banned, and the reason you were banned is even quite unrelated to the other things, but it is not something I can reveal as moderator information cannot be shared to ordinary users.
and, I haven’t said anything horrible to people unless they sent me a huge paragraph quite literally harassing me. I only defend myself, I don’t go out of my way to harass people. I have better things to do.
It feels as if all the “good” mods have been demoted, for little to no reason.
Well ain't that the truth. TBH some mods step down want's they figure it out that bein a mod isn't form them, havin been the once youngest mod here in 321 and makin it all the way to Admin, I know what it takes to be a really good mod/Admin. Sadly there is to much back stabbing/bulling goin on, or clicks tryin to get rid of people for 1 reason or another, this includes your so called friends people who you thought you knew and trusted as well as a few bad mod's/Admin's. My best advice is not to complain in here where it's open to anyone and everyone, make your concerns known to the ChatMaster as well as Prinny who is the Super Admin. Private message them in here, do your best to say what needs to be said without makin it a personal attack on the mod's as a whole and how the site is bein ran. Focus on what has happened to you along with as many screen shots you can provide. And if you feel your are bein harassed by a particular mod or mods SS everything and again report it here directly to the ChatMaster and/or Prinny. 1 last thing do be polite and courteous when messaging either 1 of them and you should receive the same.
I love how you worded that, thank you for being nice with me, i’ll try to do so when I get the time, and I fully agree with you. thank you, have a nice day
I think this coming from you is a bit unfair, as my friends have said you talk horribly about me on the wall. I stopped talking about you, a while ago. i’ve moved on, however you haven’t. and this wasn’t just about you. Please don’t talk to me, I don’t know you anymore, thank you.
I do not speak "horribly" about you, I do not cuss you out on wall or call you names.
On one occasion, you provoked me by calling me stupid on another friend's wall and you got angry at that friend because she didn't unfriend me. This doesn't seem like moving on.
and, I haven’t said anything horrible to people unless they sent me a huge paragraph quite literally harassing me. I only defend myself, I don’t go out of my way to harass people. I have better things to do.
There have been multiple wallposts, long ones, which you've made in the post, wherein you would cuss out and say very malicious things about other users...
that was when it was currently happening, and I stopped. again, don’t talk to me again please. thank you.
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