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Name changing


Teen Chat Admin
Staff member
Chat Room Admin
When yall change your name on 321 (for vips) or when you want to change your name on 321 (for non vips) what is your reasoning behind it? Is it because of life events? Maybe you feel like a different person then when you came to the chat? Maybe something else? Im just curious what the motivation is for everyone!
When yall change your name on 321 (for vips) or when you want to change your name on 321 (for non vips) what is your reasoning behind it? Is it because of life events? Maybe you feel like a different person then when you came to the chat? Maybe something else? Im just curious what the motivation is for everyone!
personally i like sticking to what new but sometimes a fresh new change is nice
I have been known, in the past on other sites, to be notorious for name changes.

Generally it's because I found a word I like better than the one I am presently using.
I haven't changed my name here yet, but I'm pretty sure the name I wasnt isn't available anyway so I probably wont be changing for a while.