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My replay to londondc asshole

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That what london said to me and i have vids to the story .
I decided to respond in a thread that everyone can see. You are proving that you are a racist and a sick narcissist par excellence, this is not an insult but an accurate analysis and I can prove it in front of everyone but you are a coward and will not accept the confrontation. You see yourself as a god here on this little site because you have no weight in real life, so you live here in virtual reality to try to enforce respect for your insignificant personality by kicking and kicking those who disagree with your ego to confirm your psychopathic personality, And I say this in my first words to prove to you that I am not a chat addict that you can control by kicking and racism, you are wrong because I only follow my morals and I also follow the rules of the place, but not with a racist interpretation like yours, because you and I know that you can easily twist the rules if the moderator like you is racist and make them a tooScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٤-١٠-٣٥-٣١-٣٤_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٤-١٠-٣٥-٢٧-٤٦_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٤-٠٩-٥٤-٤٢-٣٤_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٤-٠٨-٥٦-٠٨-٦٥_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٣-١٠-١٨-٥٧-٣٩_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٢-٠٩-٢٨-٣٥-٧١_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٢-٠٩-٢٨-٢٧-٦٤_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٢-٠٩-٢٢-٤٤-٤١_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١٢-٠٩-٢٢-٠٦-٥٧_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgScreenshot_٢٠٢٤-٠٩-١١-٠٤-٠٢-٤٠-٦٣_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpgl of revenge for those you hate for racist reasons.
As for the reasons for the ban, you are a liar because I was not banned until after I asked about the administrator of the room, Brainy, whether she comes here to talk to users or not, and I have a video that I will post on YouTube and I can share it with all of you. After I asked about Brenny, the mod from California thought that I wanted to complain about her personally, and her manner with me was hostile and threatening, and then the English moderator came and talked to me privately without my request and threatened me in a racist way not to post until the flag of Palestine, then banned me and accused me of several dirty and fabricated accusations.
The reason I asked to talk to the administrator in charge, Prinny, was to clarify from her personally about what is humanitarian and what is political, and I was thinking of having a normal conversation with her, not a complaint, but a question, but since the mod thought that I wanted to complain about her personally, she packed this administrator to come and ban me without even disagreeing or arguing with anyone at that hour, I just asked for the administrator of the room, I mean Prinny.
We have an old Egyptian proverb that says if the head of the house beats the tambourine, the characteristic of the people of the house is dancing and singing, and the quality of that racist administration that includes an English extremist right-wing extremist administrator or a mod from the terrorist evangelical maja who wants to exterminate the Palestinians in the belief that innocent blood will accelerate the descent of Christ, as if the Prophet is a god of blood, terror and rape and not a prophet of peace. These models will no doubt encourage extremists and racists against minorities, especially Arabs and Muslims. Another strange thing I found here is that they strongly defend transgender or homosexuals under the pretext that they are human rights, but when we talk about the human rights of the women and children of Gaza, you find that they are human animals who support genocide and get angry if I raise a small flag for a people being exterminated, and definitely a dirty place like that I am not honored to be in.
@ prinny
If you titled your thread differently then you could have had a chance to have it taken seriously.

I don’t see much in it either way.
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