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My appreciation


VIP Member
I just want to say thank you. When I first came to the site I needed a place to escape the real world, and instead I found a home. I met alot of really cool people and was eventually asked to step up and become a mod. I was really scared at first, thinking people wouldn't like me, or I would always mess up. But I set really high standards for myself and really let myself down more than others. This became very clear to me after to was no longer a mod. The amount of people that reached out and thanked me has been amazing....and you guys were the reason i poured in the hours i did because i felt bad if nobody was in the room to help. So for those of you that did reach out thank you....you dont know how much it really means to me at the end of the day. I love each and every one of you. you can still reach out if you need anything. ~Forever~
After my 2 trainers left ElizaHugs stepped up and started training me without being asked. She went above and beyond what she was asked to as a Global Mod. We NEED her back. She was a great mod and she was let go of her duties for absolutely no reason. She deserves to be back on the team. Please bring her back.