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more mods

I'm sorry that you feel this way!! Just remember you can still message a mod for help and they can get to you when they're online and help you with your issue.
we need more mods that are online there are many things happening when they are on and to be frank I get really uncomfortable and I have no one to go to for help when theres no mods on

Firstly, please don't feel worried! As stated in the thread above me, you are always welcome to message a moderator about a situation you may have and we'll handle it accordingly and as soon as possible, as well as the latest reports. :)

We currently have a wonderful selection of staff members, and we are in the process of reviewing mod applications, so hopefully we'll have a few new great additions added to the staff team!

@mushroom_king Modding is a service. They come and go as they please. Besides, there's no time schedule for them to follow. No matter how many mod's there are. There will always be times when none are online. The ignore button goes a long way.