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mods and admins

If by 'mods' you mean Global Moderators (GM), they are staff members that can help out in all rooms if needed and have additional courses of action they can take unlike room admins (room staff), they are limited to the room they were made staff in, meaning their moderator abilities only work in the room they're mod for and have limited action options.
whats the difference between mods and room admins

  • Kick users
  • Mute users
  • Remove certain things on your profile section.
  • Kick users
  • Ban users
  • Mute users
  • View 'Other Accounts'
  • View IP addresses (I think)
  • View Email Addresses (I think)
  • And other things that moderators cannot view.

I am not sure 100% about this; I haven't been a moderator for a chat room in a while, plus this new update owners have the ability to change staff permissions in the admin panel.

This new update they've added more staff features like:
  • Ghost
  • Mute (PMs ONLY)
  • Etc
whats the difference between mods and room admins
Apologies, I misread that..

1719440700520.png ROOM MODS
- Room mods have the authority to mute or block users only within the specific room where they serve as staff.

- Site moderators have the authority to mute or kick users across the entire chat platform.