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Mod Issues Or Wtv

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ok so I said to myself I wasn't gonna register on this cuz of the drama I've heard abt but anyways
so today me and my friend were in teen chat. this mod "ElizaHugs" was also present. my friend was like "I want a donut" so I said "I want a hot mom"(jokingly ofc) but after 2 mins after the mod tags me and goes "lets not go looking for moms" so I said "I wasn't looking for them I was just saying I want them" I mean its obvious it was a joke. she said "you said you were looking for them" so I tell her "well I said I WANT them not that I'm LOOKING for them" then my friend explains to her that saying you want a tiger isn't saying ur looking for one. she ( Eliza ) goes "just shut up no more mom talk" so I said "well that isn't in the rules" she goes " look at the second rule under"rules for all rooms" the rule says and I quote "DO NOT ARGUE WITH OR QUESTION moderators when they tell you to stop spamming, change your name or modify your behavior. There are too many chatters to debate whether your name or your post was against the rules. Doing this will probably result in the conversation coming to a quick end with you being banned." it doesn't say anything abt listening to whatever mods tell u so she's basically saying because she's a mod she can do whatever she wants. To me this is wrong and mods have too much power. So I can't have a small joke with a friend without getting muted or modded at???
ok bye<3
ok so I said to myself I wasn't gonna register on this cuz of the drama I've heard abt but anyways
so today me and my friend were in teen chat. this mod "ElizaHugs" was also present. my friend was like "I want a donut" so I said "I want a hot mom"(jokingly ofc) but after 2 mins after the mod tags me and goes "lets not go looking for moms" so I said "I wasn't looking for them I was just saying I want them" I mean its obvious it was a joke. she said "you said you were looking for them" so I tell her "well I said I WANT them not that I'm LOOKING for them" then my friend explains to her that saying you want a tiger isn't saying ur looking for one. she ( Eliza ) goes "just shut up no more mom talk" so I said "well that isn't in the rules" she goes " look at the second rule under"rules for all rooms" the rule says and I quote "DO NOT ARGUE WITH OR QUESTION moderators when they tell you to stop spamming, change your name or modify your behavior. There are too many chatters to debate whether your name or your post was against the rules. Doing this will probably result in the conversation coming to a quick end with you being banned." it doesn't say anything abt listening to whatever mods tell u so she's basically saying because she's a mod she can do whatever she wants. To me this is wrong and mods have too much power. So I can't have a small joke with a friend without getting muted or modded at???
ok bye<3
Sorry about that, I agree they could have let a single joke go without messaging you. As long as you weren't repeatedly making similar jokes where it might then be considered as soliciting moms.
Sorry about that, I agree they could have let a single joke go without messaging you. As long as you weren't repeatedly making similar jokes where it might then be considered as soliciting moms.
thank you so much. and no I only joked abt it once and I did stop after she said to. I just thought it was unfair how she dealt with it.
if you only said it once, why not just drop it? why antagonize the mod who was only doing her job? the room has young teens who may not understand your "joke". it's not always easy being a mod, having to defend ourselves and our actions to people just trying to stir the pot (not saying that about you, just making a comment)
if you only said it once, why not just drop it? why antagonize the mod who was only doing her job? the room has young teens who may not understand your "joke". it's not always easy being a mod, having to defend ourselves and our actions to people just trying to stir the pot (not saying that about you, just making a comment)
I've been muted and kicked multiple times for absolutely no reason and im tired of being quiet if u have a problem with me defending myself then feel free to do so. and why would she use that rule specifically? mods abuse their power all the time it gets annoying to a point where im not gonna just do nothing
This thread should have ended 5 posts ago. It's starting to feel like you just want to vent and fight some more.
The problem here is the ship is without a rudder, the site has eliminated the best of the best Admin's and certain Mod's, the Teen chat Admin and most of the Teen chat mod's needed to go, which has left the Teen chat without any leadership as well as any training. The sacking of the Gay Teen Chat Admin was such a waist and loss to the GTC as he was highly respected, and probably the most knowledgeable/experienced teen Mod/Admin in the whole site and highly missed by staff and member's alike. The Adult Gay chat is totally rudderless with no one in place since the sacking of it's Admin and whole Mod staff, which in turn has allowed the the Gay chat to turn into a free for all as well as be run by the Trolls. 321Chat has seen better days in light of whole sale clearing it's most prized staff member's. Hopefully the powers at be realize what they had in these gentlemen who so willingly gave of their time to make 321Chat what it want's was by holding the vultures and wolves at bay night and day. It would be a wonderful day if the powers at be see the error of their way and at least restore the GTC and the Gay Admin's to their former rank's as Admin's and allow them to co-Admin the Teen-GTC-Adult Gay room as theirs individual strengths and weakness's compliment each other.

A long time user of the site
The problem here is the ship is without a rudder, the site has eliminated the best of the best Admin's and certain Mod's, the Teen chat Admin and most of the Teen chat mod's needed to go, which has left the Teen chat without any leadership as well as any training. The sacking of the Gay Teen Chat Admin was such a waist and loss to the GTC as he was highly respected, and probably the most knowledgeable/experienced teen Mod/Admin in the whole site and highly missed by staff and member's alike. The Adult Gay chat is totally rudderless with no one in place since the sacking of it's Admin and whole Mod staff, which in turn has allowed the the Gay chat to turn into a free for all as well as be run by the Trolls. 321Chat has seen better days in light of whole sale clearing it's most prized staff member's. Hopefully the powers at be realize what they had in these gentlemen who so willingly gave of their time to make 321Chat what it want's was by holding the vultures and wolves at bay night and day. It would be a wonderful day if the powers at be see the error of their way and at least restore the GTC and the Gay Admin's to their former rank's as Admin's and allow them to co-Admin the Teen-GTC-Adult Gay room as theirs individual strengths and weakness's compliment each other.

A long time user of the site
Sorry I was away for the weekend, so teens has been short handed and I'm trying to get it organized, all I ask is for patience as things will smooth out eventually
Sorry about that, I agree they could have let a single joke go without messaging you. As long as you weren't repeatedly making similar jokes where it might then be considered as soliciting moms.
I dont want to say anything bad about previous Admins/ Gms but this is what Eliza was told and trained by the previous Teen Admin how to mod the Teen room.
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