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Marketing concern


VIP Member
I am disturbed to see some heavy marketing from 321. The colours are distracting.

Please revert to simple black and white. This rainbow is distracting. And burns the eyes.

I prefer open source for chatting because it is more non-confrontational. I feel like when I go to 321 I am being marketed to for some reason. I don't even like the name 321chat. It seems marketing-heavy.

The role of marketing is branding, not advertising. 321 branding is not good. There is no overall message or consistency. 321 is a very hard name to brand because it is a number and not a name, and it has no meaning. It is not friendly.

The colours are inconsistent. There seems to be some bold colouring for most of the site, and then when you go to message boards, it is grey and muted, more soft and conservative.

There should be consistency.

A motto would be good to, to promote brand. Please consider.

Also, take away 321. Not good, nobody likes that.

Howbout "Funchal" or "cool chat' or "internet cool" or maybe "funplace" or "social place" or "socialcity" or "home city" or "home place" or "time place" or "nice place" or simply "nicetim.com

"funchat" or "sextime" or "colortime" or even creating a name... " chatcentral", "hoptime" "chatweb" "yeah


You get the point.

Marketing is all about branding, and this means consistency across platforms and services. You should pick one or two colours and stick to them. This is too overwhelming.
Figure out what emotional response you want to elicit.

The strategy is to entice viewers and make them want to stay. They should feel at home awelcome every time they log on. They should not feel pressure and defintely not feel like their wallet is at risk. No subscription is great and the VIP model is good too. I really like it.

Some possible motto:

The place to stay
Come and stay
Be at home
We are fun
We are friends
You are the friend
Social is ghood
Chatting made easy
Chatting on the web
The best chatting
Best chatting on the web


I think it all comes back to emotion. What to consumers feel about it? Why do they like it?

What makes them want to stay? What makes them feel warm and fuzzy? Why do they choose it over other sites? why is it better than other sites? why is it the best on the internet? why is it growing? where will it be in 10 years?

Why will users pick the site and stay with it forever? Why are they smarter than their friends for choosing this site? What makes them feel smart? What makes them feel social? Why are they looking for friends? Why does this site give you more friends than other sites? Why is being a free site good? Why is buyin good for this site, being free? What is the point of VIP? Why do they want to be a VIP? Why do they want to gift a VIP to their friends? Do they even know what VIP is?

How is VIP on this site different than VIP on the other sites?

is $15USD for vip fair?

How does sex fit into the site? is sex allowed? is it better than on the sex version because it attracts fewer perverts?

Sex may seem like a crass target, but all marketing comes down to sex. Marketing should feel female in nature, this is what attracts consumers.

Consider as strategy making it more about music. Mention that users post ad-free youtube videos at their wim. Make it a DJ experience.
One more point. Crazy orange and conservative purple do not go together. They clash.

Consider yellow. It is softer, friendly. Yellow can work with orange. Or blue. Blue is a soft colour.

Black is good too, it is very non-confrontational.
Your multiple articulated posts with what seems to be your professional opinion in regards 321chat is interesting to say the least. It makes me wonder what collage degrees and successful businesses you have accomplished. As a former President of a Chamber of Commerce with multiple previous businesses, I am always interested in learning from someone who is smarter and more successful. I am sure the owner of 321chat, who has had a successful chat site for over 20 years old with over 74,000 registered members will be interested too.

Have a Nice Day,
Your multiple articulated posts with what seems to be your professional opinion in regards 321chat is interesting to say the least. It makes me wonder what collage degrees and successful businesses you have accomplished. As a former President of a Chamber of Commerce with multiple previous businesses, I am always interested in learning from someone who is smarter and more successful. I am sure the owner of 321chat, who has had a successful chat site for over 20 years old with over 74,000 registered members will be interested too.

Have a Nice Day,
Thanks for your reply.

So I took business in University, and did successfully get my degree. I mainly just like thinking about various business ideas and such. I do like marketing, sometimes. I did start a business a little while ago, but it hasn't generated any revenue yet. Right now I am just looking for funding.

My hope for my business is to grow. Also, I like providing pro bono advice and stuff to other businesses, to watch them grow. So if the owner of this site does wish to contact me for that purpose, I would be all for it.

It is kind of interesting to think about strategy, what makes a business unique. I think 321's strategy is basically to sucker you in with flashy colours and stuff and then to entice you to buy a VIP.

321 is not making a lot of money right now though. VIP is not a subscription. Which is good, because it is very attractive to consumers, being a good deal. I actually really like that.

Subscriptions are everywhere on the net and you don't see a lot of one-time life-time memberships. And $15 is really nothing.

The 321sex chat is garbage and should be removed in my opinion. It is going nowhere. Just a bunch of stupid perverts. If people want to jack off (pardon my language) to other men jacking off to them and pretending to be a woman, there are other places to do it.

Plus there are so many dating sites out there and stuff, that offer this kind of thing. Some are free, some charge. Here is one: adultxxxdate.com. It is the largest adult dating site in the world with 90 million members. They have a free version and a paid version. They are literally rocking the online sex hookup scene. There is pretty much no way anyone can compete with them, again, in my opinion.

Also, no one in their right mind gets anything out of a chatting service that advertises themselves as offering free chat sex and stuff. No fuckin way.

Just takes away from the good site, which is 321chat.

ALSO, the sex chat version has ADS. Terrible.

Overall this site is a good business model, barring some terrible branding decisions. VIP and stuff is good, in my opinion, but really, everything else is pretty crap. The mods are good though. They volunteer their time and do know the policy well. They are also, on the whole fair. There is not an undue amount of censorship, in my opinion, which is good. The site has that going for it.

I guess my last recommendation for now would be to consider the industry trend. Chatting will grow, that is for certain, so this is a good space to be in. The competitors are also lagging a little bit, when you consider the free chatting space. A good search denotes that this site is kind of on top right now, I believe.

People want to interact online.

Anyway, I guess that it's. Discussion welcome, as always.