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Long Distance Loop


VIP Member
In a past forum post I mentioned my fiance (yes I know there's an accent) moved across the country from our state. As you can imagine this paints barriers, and issues, however we are deeply in love and we aren't nor will we give up on our relationship. We have very limited contact however, due to his living situation out of his control that he'd leave in around a year.
Does anyone have advice on what to do when facing the isolation, the heartache of a move, or the sadness of a long distance relationship? I want to make sure things work out and everything ends up healthy for me and my partner.
For a while, in between my ex and current partner, I briefly long distance "dated" this guy I met on twitch.

I say "dated" cos nothing ever went anywhere and we never even met, but the distance was tricky.
It comes down to a lot of communication when able to, and trust.
It'll be hard at first. But it eventually does hurt less.
For a while, in between my ex and current partner, I briefly long distance "dated" this guy I met on twitch.

I say "dated" cos nothing ever went anywhere and we never even met, but the distance was tricky.
It comes down to a lot of communication when able to, and trust.
It'll be hard at first. But it eventually does hurt less.
Thank does really help me :)