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Listening to what we want


New member
I honestly don’t know what I’m doing so I’m just shooting my shot. For anyone on the site it is important to feel secure and safe while also have some fun here. But as of this moment, just out of nowhere the teen room is going under changes. We’re apparently allowed to do what we want at this point making chat a little more chaotic and not as fun for some. Recently we were told that people up to the age of 21 are allowed to come into the TEEN room. This just gives the trolls and pedophiles a better opportunity to target younger people while the mods and admins won’t do anything about it. This is not a safe environment for young anymore and it shitty because we weren’t asked if this was okay. The community of this site couldn’t give their opinions first, now heck this might not change anything but one can hope. Listen to what WE want and not what you think is best
There are other sites that your parents can signup for where everything will be vetted much more carefully. We will not try to proactively police everyone's conversations. Users still have a report button to report illegal activity.
Yes there is a report button and a ignore button, but not all users will understand how or when to use them. I’ve seen in chat that the more foreign users had to ask what does such and such mean when someone older ask inappropriate questions. All I want is for people to be safe, I have friends here that I want to be happy and enjoy their time here. But this is only my feedback, I can’t make changes but only give opinions