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Kicked by a abusing mod

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New member
I got kicked for no reason by a mod he’s abusing his power and I can’t get people to see that I was hanging out in teen room with my gf and I was kicked from the room all because I’m one year older and doing nothing wrong I’m 21 that doesn’t give him the right to kicke me all because I said imma tell chatmaster about his abusing his powers his Username is Falling Dark My username is Tracer I’m 21
I got kicked for no reason by a mod he’s abusing his power and I can’t get people to see that I was hanging out in teen room with my gf and I was kicked from the room all because I’m one year older and doing nothing wrong I’m 21 that doesn’t give him the right to kicke me all because I said imma tell chatmaster about his abusing his powers his Username is Falling Dark My username is Tracer I’m 21
ur 21.....teen room is up to 20....what part of that do u not understand? u were kicked cuz ur too old...stop whining and trying to make it about an abusive mod
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