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kick exaggeration

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New member
so i want to start off with... why is vip muted bc of "spam"? i got muted as a vip for that and i went to my second account to ask whats going on and if they could unmute me. I went and asked the mod Battle Angel nicely if he could unmute me~ all he said was "You're evading a mute. sorry." and kicked me FOR 1 WEEK. this isn't good. i have nothing against him but honestly a week is not cool. i want to know why do vips get muted for spam and why is my kick so exaggerating, i just want to chat.

sorry if there were any offenses.

OceanKing. Have a nice day

If the spam filters are turned off, it's for a reason.
but just because you are VIP it doesn't immune you to the spam filters.
It is not offered as a VIP feature, you are still expected to follow the sites rules with what you post, VIP or not.

You knew you posted a link that wasn't allowed by the site - hence the filter grab.
Next time instead of evading the 30min mute to 'ask' why VIP got caught, wait the 30mins and come back to ask. Otherwise you are welcome to fill out the feedback form to ask there.

I have reduced your kick, but next time please approach it the right way, evading never works well for anyone.


If the spam filters are turned off, it's for a reason.
but just because you are VIP it doesn't immune you to the spam filters.
It is not offered as a VIP feature, you are still expected to follow the sites rules with what you post, VIP or not.

You knew you posted a link that wasn't allowed by the site - hence the filter grab.
Next time instead of evading the 30min mute to 'ask' why VIP got caught, wait the 30mins and come back to ask. Otherwise you are welcome to fill out the feedback form to ask there.

I have reduced your kick, but next time please approach it the right way, evading never works well for anyone.

Ok thank you for letting me know

If the spam filters are turned off, it's for a reason.
but just because you are VIP it doesn't immune you to the spam filters.
It is not offered as a VIP feature, you are still expected to follow the sites rules with what you post, VIP or not.

You knew you posted a link that wasn't allowed by the site - hence the filter grab.
Next time instead of evading the 30min mute to 'ask' why VIP got caught, wait the 30mins and come back to ask. Otherwise you are welcome to fill out the feedback form to ask there.

I have reduced your kick, but next time please approach it the right way, evading never works well for anyone.


hi, what does "evading a kick" means.
I haven't even complained for being kicked or something nor even I was kicked before. And I go by the rules not to offend anyone. Please help
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