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just saying hey

lady G

VIP Member
just wanted to say hey from cold maine.. it seems spring will never get to the cold tundra here.. some of ya may only know me as giggle monstah.. but im aka Lady G. i hope yall have a wonderful spring and even better summer..hope yall have a great day
It's the total opposite in my little corner of the world. We are fully into Autumn (Fall) here and I can't wait for the chills of Winter to hit us. Summer is far too warm for my liking. Rain and storms are my favourite kind of weather :love: I do however, hope that you have a great Spring and Summer... I will be keeping an eye out for the comments in Adult chat Lady G, make sure you show me some pics of your Spring!!
Denna xx
Just starting to see the warn weather here 15c here in bc all week , kinda nice to drive around with the windows down now, put away all my winter stuff finally and my summer tires go on tomorrow