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Just how I feel atm

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VIP Member
"A boy who loves another boy probably knows love more than anyone else because it doesn't come easily nor does it come cheap."
The complexities we deal with takes everything we have to manage in a world where there is still too much hate and ignorance. Yet at the end of the day it's well worth every ounce effort invested.
"A boy who loves another boy probably knows love more than anyone else because it doesn't come easily nor does it come cheap."
The complexities we deal with takes everything we have to manage in a world where there is still too much hate and ignorance. Yet at the end of the day it's well worth every ounce effort invested.
I have a feeling if this LGBT movement isn't stopped this Fake Christian will be posting "A man who loves a boy..." In the near future. Legalizing paraphilic disorders will open the doors to other paraphilic disorders. Sad world.

This isn't hate or ignorance. This is just logic.
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