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Ignoring or not ignoring...this is the question


What if a bad user spreads bs and fake rumours around about you in main chat?

If you fight this user in main or pm, some mod would come to ask to put eachother on ignore.

But what if you ignore this bad user and what if this bad user keeps spreading aroundn bs and fake rumours about you?

How would you know?

New users wouldn't know that maybe the bad user is spreading lies and they would judge you in a wrong way.

But if you wouldn't use the ignore and fight the bad user...mods would kick you out.

I saw this many times in teen chat.

I saw bad users calling other users "Pedo" without mods doing anything to punish the bad user.

Is the ignore a solution?

I guess the solution would be zero tolerance for trolls.

But some troll has good ranked users helping.


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