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i have been feeling very uncomfortable in teen chat

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Go like my profile Shayb
VIP Member
hi so i have been minding my business and then i have man who are not only 1. older then me. but 2. are asking me where i live and asking me to send naughty pictures and i have been ignoring them but then they have other people messaging me asking me to un ignore them and im not sure what to do
hi so i have been minding my business and then i have man who are not only 1. older then me. but 2. are asking me where i live and asking me to send naughty pictures and i have been ignoring them but then they have other people messaging me asking me to un ignore them and im not sure what to do

When it comes to addressing unacceptable behavior or messages, here are a few options 🫵 might want to consider.

Option 1: Take a screenshot of the message and send it to an admin or a staff member. Let them handle the issue from there.
Option 2: Utilize the “report” feature provided within the chat room.
Option 3: Simply disregard the message and avoid further engagement with the user.

When it comes to addressing unacceptable behavior or messages, here are a few options 🫵 might want to consider.

Option 1: Take a screenshot of the message and send it to an admin or a staff member. Let them handle the issue from there.
Option 2: Utilize the “report” feature provided within the chat room.
Option 3: Simply disregard the message and avoid further engagement with the user.
thank you
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