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hi im new 55 female


New member
regardless of all the new ways to visit each other, i still miss a chat room.
im a 55 year old female who lives in nashville
im very active, employed, and in a relationship
i love to talk about whatever ...tv, sports, clothes, food etc.
im not looking for a romantic situation but im find with talking to anyone
Welcome to the site.
I absolutely love it here.

The mods and admins are great, a lot of the chatters are really great too.
I hope you find some wonderful conversation and make some awesome friends.
regardless of all the new ways to visit each other, i still miss a chat room.
im a 55 year old female who lives in nashville
im very active, employed, and in a relationship
i love to talk about whatever ...tv, sports, clothes, food etc.
im not looking for a romantic situation but im find with talking to anyone
u DO realize this is just a message boards forum for an actual chat room???
regardless of all the new ways to visit each other, i still miss a chat room.
im a 55 year old female who lives in nashville
im very active, employed, and in a relationship
i love to talk about whatever ...tv, sports, clothes, food etc.
im not looking for a romantic situation but im find with talking to anyone
Hey id like to penpal your sexy self send a pm.
regardless of all the new ways to visit each other, i still miss a chat room.
im a 55 year old female who lives in nashville
im very active, employed, and in a relationship
i love to talk about whatever ...tv, sports, clothes, food etc.
im not looking for a romantic situation but im find with talking to anyone
welcome to the board
I'm kind new to the site too, Well a registered in the chatrooms a couple of years ago, but there were no forums back then, but know I have reregitered in the chat rooms and now the forums. Love a good chinwag.

But yeah, Welcome