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Happy Pride Month

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Wonderful verse. 1 Corinthians is one of my favourites.

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Galatians 5:19-21​

VIP Member
Today at 3:32 AM New
I'm sorry for going overboard with the Bible verses. Though a self-proclaimed Christian, using the Holy Scripture to condone their degeneracy is beyond me. As a Christian who reads and studies the Bible daily, I can assure you that there's not a verse in the Bible that justifies homosexuality. I'm strict in my beliefs and won't ignore that behaviour.

Calling yourself a follower of Christ is an insult to God and his followers. Hopefully, you will see your sin and change your wicked ways. I'll keep you in my prayers. Please stop TRYING to use the Bible to justify sin. Thanks. Take care.

Let me be the 1st to tell you, God has a special place for you - in Hell!

Your apology is far from sincere, and I've never tried to use the Bible to justify sin. Further more, God created me for his purpose, and God doesn't make mistakes. You do not know me too even have the right to judge me for bein who I am as a person. A true Christian would understand that we're not all alike, other than we are human, all created by God. It's self righteous Christians like you who give Christian's a bad name, it's great that you can quote the Old Testament, but here's what really matters in the end of our time here on Earth, you truly know what it takes too get to Heaven, and that Jesus died for our sins.

So in the future if you don't have anything nice to say about anything I post, please keep it to yourself and just ignore it and move on. Please and thank you. And if your really into studying/research you might wanna try Homosexuality, and see what medicine, science and psychiatry all have too say on this subject it just might enlighten you.

Let me be the 1st to tell you, God has a special place for you - in Hell!

Geez, I tried keeping this conversation private.

1 Corinthians 13 (the chapter you quoted earlier) states, "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." 1 Corinthians 13:6. You were justifying sin with your recent post. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination in both the Old and New Testaments. Like I said, "there's not a verse in the Bible that justifies homosexuality." 1 Corinthians 13:13 is a beautiful verse. You used that verse to justify sin. I used those verses to help guide you on the right path. To share the truth.

God created both good and evil. Mankind chose evil in the very beginning. "We're not all alike" doesn't mean evil can't corrupt you or me.
We're all sinners. I don't hate sinners. I hate sin. Sin is of the devil.
You wishing hellfire on me and still justifying your sins shows me who you really follow. You should note that even Lucifer memorized the Bible word for word and knew Jesus died for our sins. You shouldn't call yourself a follower of Christ if you refuse to follow him.

I was sorry, but you changed my mind. I'm so glad I shared those verses. True Christians fight evil with good.
With all that being said, I won't wish hellfire on you. Instead, I'll wish you well. Hopefully, you chose to follow God. Take care.

Excited Season 4 GIF by The Office
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