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Happy Disability Pride Month!


Teen Chat Admin
Staff member
Chat Room Admin
July is disability pride month!!
This was started because The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability Pride Day event i n July 1990 and Disability Pride Month was born.
We still have a long ways to go in equality in the disabled community, as people and the government are still ableist and rude most days.
To celebrate this month consider:
- looking into ableism (and not being ableist!)
- donating to charities who give back to the disabled community
- going to disability pride month events, if you have any around you
- watching movies featuring disabled people
- researching the struggles of disabled people and other ways to help them
- Getting the word out about disability pride month!

(Disability Pride flag)


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July is disability pride month!!
This was started because The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability Pride Day event i n July 1990 and Disability Pride Month was born.
We still have a long ways to go in equality in the disabled community, as people and the government are still ableist and rude most days.
To celebrate this month consider:
- looking into ableism (and not being ableist!)
- donating to charities who give back to the disabled community
- going to disability pride month events, if you have any around you
- watching movies featuring disabled people
- researching the struggles of disabled people and other ways to help them
- Getting the word out about disability pride month!

(Disability Pride flag)
View attachment 181
I really appreciate you placing this and doing this
July is disability pride month!!
This was started because The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability Pride Day event i n July 1990 and Disability Pride Month was born.
We still have a long ways to go in equality in the disabled community, as people and the government are still ableist and rude most days.
To celebrate this month consider:
- looking into ableism (and not being ableist!)
- donating to charities who give back to the disabled community
- going to disability pride month events, if you have any around you
- watching movies featuring disabled people
- researching the struggles of disabled people and other ways to help them
- Getting the word out about disability pride month!

(Disability Pride flag)
View attachment 181
I'm only fresh here, but care to share your experience?
I'm only fresh here, but care to share your experience?
I'm a user who's neurodivergent. I've suffered a lot in my education by simply thinking differently, or struggling in peer groups and social interaction. I had to learn something called "masking" to fit in better and really just hide who I really was. Overall, I've been severely bullied for enjoying different activities, or things a normal kid my age typically wouldn't I guess. I'm an older teenager, so living life with ADHD + Autism is rather difficult in today's setting.
I'm a user who's neurodivergent. I've suffered a lot in my education by simply thinking differently, or struggling in peer groups and social interaction. I had to learn something called "masking" to fit in better and really just hide who I really was. Overall, I've been severely bullied for enjoying different activities, or things a normal kid my age typically wouldn't I guess. I'm an older teenager, so living life with ADHD + Autism is rather difficult in today's setting.
Thank you. I didn't mean to put you on the spot, I am always genuinely interested in peoples journey in their own words as it creates and better understanding of things that i haven't or won't experience in my life time
July is disability pride month!!
This was started because The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability Pride Day event i n July 1990 and Disability Pride Month was born.
We still have a long ways to go in equality in the disabled community, as people and the government are still ableist and rude most days.
To celebrate this month consider:
- looking into ableism (and not being ableist!)
- donating to charities who give back to the disabled community
- going to disability pride month events, if you have any around you
- watching movies featuring disabled people
- researching the struggles of disabled people and other ways to help them
- Getting the word out about disability pride month!

(Disability Pride flag)
View attachment 181
I believe there has been an alternative flag now for people with visual disabillities, this is one of the flags to represent us :)