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New member
mods should actually do their job instead of breaking up "fights"(actual conversations instead of ppl just saying hmu and talking about how dead the chat is). they should be deleting racism, sex bots, pedos and stuff like that. theres no such thing as derailing chat if its been dead for 30 minutes, and there was no established conversation. also, if someone feels like a mod is doing their job incorrectly they have a right to call it out instead of mindlessly respecting mods no matter what. i'll admit i have no idea how to fix these problems as mods will just do whatever they personally see fit.
(mostly directed at gay teen)

also, please dont add back gender rings. they r unnecessary it takes like 2 seconds to look for someones gender on their profile, and it makes ppl enter the incorrect gender to have a specific colored ring, so it doesn't even do what it's supposed to.
Thank you for your feedback!
I completely understand how it can seem like mods don't do their job correctly- a lot of what we do is done behind the scenes. So you can't exactly see or hear about what we do. This being said, what you can see is normally what is said on main. Now, I have no idea what the context is to your rant because I do not believe I was there, but if you think a mod is doing something wrong I Highly Recommend dming that mod with your issues. You said specifically gay teen, and as a gay teen mod I can gaurantee you that if your message is clear, concise, and respectful, you will get a response. And who knows, maybe the mod will apologize and change what you don't like. If not, then they will explain why they won't.
I promise you that none of the gay teen room mods are modding just for power. No one should be mindlessly following anything, that applies to real life as well. If you have questions for a mod that are specific to one mod, message them! If you have general questions about a rule, probably ask an admin because global moderators do not make the rules (neither do admins). If you find a mod does not treat you how you want, talk to them! I promise you we are normal humans, and we do not want anyone in chat to suffer. I can speak for the gay teen moderators when I say this, we care about all of our chatters. I do apologize if it sometimes comes off as us not caring, as we have bad days as well, and sometimes that effects our modding.

I hope this helps you, and if not feel free to say anything else. (Ps: I agree with your gender ring comment lmao)