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Going easier on teens?


New member
I cannot tell you how many times I've now been kicked over saying something slightly inappropriate. E.g, I was just kicked for saying "man titties" in the teen chat. Got zero warning and now have to be kicked for two days. My comment was not sexual to anyone at all, simply commenting on something another user had said. It harmed absolutely no one. No teen out there is perfect and innocent. Please explain why we're allowed to cuss but I can't say "titties" ONE time without getting in trouble. It isn't just me this happens to, I've seen others be muted and/or kicked over making these small "inappropriate" jokes (id argue half of them arent even that inappropriate) that every teen anywhere is going to make. Why can't mods go easier on us? If it isn't hurting anyone why can't we say it? I understand a line has to be drawn at some point and we can't say whatever we want, but in the case of my kick today, I would love for someone to explain to me why I can't say what I did

If it's the case where what I said was actually bad and I'm just so awful that I'm numb to the truth and if the big bosses stand firm that us teens can't be even slightly inappropriate, could we at least have more warnings? Especially in cases such as mine, where I (at least) think it was obvious I was making a joke. Why must I be kicked over a joke? Shouldn't we be kicking those who are truly there to ruin the chatting experience of others? So many of us make these "inappropriate jokes" that if every teen were to be kicked on the spot of saying it, the site wouldn't have many teen users

I might just be rambling and salty over not being able to talk to my friends for two days, but I do think some mods are a bit too hard on the teens. Overall, I think us teens aren't as perfect as the mods expect us to be. We're gonna make inappropriate jokes here and there, and unless it hurts another user, I personally don't think we should be punished for it.

Thank you for listening to my TedTalk haha
No in some cases your right , we aren't the speech police and we do have limits to inappropriateness , and I do give a lot of leeway of things , but you should be making an appeal , and you know you can approach me with issues,
Hi sarahbear,

I absolutely agree with alot of what you have said.

Can you please make an appeal in the appeal section with your username of which account you were kicked on.
I would like to look into this - no one should be getting kicked (and especially for days) for a comment 'man titties'.

Thank you,

(Edit; Nevermind, I found it - thanks)
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If kids are old enough to be on here than they old enough to handle everything that comes with it
I don’t agree if you are 13 then you have to take what comes. It’s fair that mods protect, though cussing isn’t something that would worry me - more bullying and threatening words would worry me and I think most of the time mods get it right but none of us are perfect.
I don’t agree if you are 13 then you have to take what comes. It’s fair that mods protect, though cussing isn’t something that would worry me - more bullying and threatening words would worry me and I think most of the time mods get it right but none of us are perfect.
I've had messages off 15yr old asking me to suck his cock! Works both ways . This was in the adult room
I've had messages off 15yr old asking me to suck his cock! Works both ways . This was in the adult room
I would have reported that as he shouldn’t be there if really 15 and shouldn't be asking this even in pm’s - doesn’t negate what I’ve already said.
I would have reported that as he shouldn’t be there if really 15 and shouldn't be asking this even in pm’s - doesn’t negate what I’ve already said.
You are absolutely right but even then horny teenagers will be horny teenagers and usually will ask for the most inappropriate stuff online thinking they can get away with this that's why we are here and why we ask chatters to report inappropriate actions so we can do our best to keep the site clean and family friendly