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Excessive Spam Bannings

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New member
There has been a real increase in regular users getting spam bannings recently that is really upsetting a lot of people to the extent that many of them, including ones who have been on the site for years longer than I have, talking about leaving because of it. It's not just one or two members saying this it's a lot from across various rooms and there must be more thinking about it that I don't know.

The mods do a really good job of unbanning people once they are aware of what has happened but that needs someone to alert them that a person has been spam banned.

I'm sure this relates to the battle to try to stop the spam bots but a lot of regulars are getting caught up in this and getting banned as well and the site will be a lesser place if they all start leaving.
Heya :) If peeps get spam banned, then the best thing they can do is come to the forum to find assistance. I try to get peeps to create a bookmark for this forum, just in case anything should happen. And you are correct, the mods try really hard to help, and if we see it happen then we assist where we can. Best advice is to spread the word about creating a bookmark for this forum, then they will have a plan of action if ever they happen to be spam banned. Hope this helps, Denna.
Thank you

It's not really what happens after a spam ban that's a problem it's the fact that they are happening in the first place that is the issue that is really annoying people and having the potential to drive them away..
Heya :) If peeps get spam banned, then the best thing they can do is come to the forum to find assistance. I try to get peeps to create a bookmark for this forum, just in case anything should happen. And you are correct, the mods try really hard to help, and if we see it happen then we assist where we can. Best advice is to spread the word about creating a bookmark for this forum, then they will have a plan of action if ever they happen to be spam banned. Hope this helps, Denna.
We know the drill on dealing with getting spam banned. It's just a pain. And it takes an undetermined amount of time. The problem, as @JayMe07 says, is that it makes the user experience far less enjoyable.
Please send me a PM with the names of the ones who were mistakenly spam banned and I’ll see what caused it. If we can, I’ll remove it.
Heya :) If peeps get spam banned, then the best thing they can do is come to the forum to find assistance. I try to get peeps to create a bookmark for this forum, just in case anything should happen. And you are correct, the mods try really hard to help, and if we see it happen then we assist where we can. Best advice is to spread the word about creating a bookmark for this forum, then they will have a plan of action if ever they happen to be spam banned. Hope this helps, Denna.


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