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doodoo here.


VIP Member
Hello everyone.

I joined 321chat as a free member one month ago, and two weeks ago, I purchased a VIP membership for myself. I am glad I did, $15 for a lifetime of access to a totally decent a respectable online community, to me, is simply a no-brainer.

I do have a few comments though, especially regarding the chatrooms. I frequent the adult chatroom, in fact, that is pretty much the only room I go into. I like most the moderators, and there are some interesting and cool people in there. I like to think I have even made a friend or two. But what I don't like, is moderators abusing their power. There is one particular moderator in specific who kicked me out of all 321chat chatrooms for a period of 125 hours. The reason? I told a girl in there to swallow a cock like the slut that she is. This was not a sexual advance, and it was not a proposition, solicitation, nor was it anti-feminist, misogynistic, bullying, trolling, inappropriate or even against policy. It was simply a social comment and normal par-for-the-course group dialogue. However, I was punished, because this specific moderator is in charge of controlling women within the chatroom.

I would like to invite you to consider the purpose of moderation within the 321chat community and within chatrooms in general. Do moderators exist to impose their will and abuse their power, or, are they actual beneficial fairness enforces that apply policy? Just as a lawyer studies law and applies it, a moderator should study chatroom policy and apply that as well, to ensure that, as the 321chat constitution states, trolls are kept at bay and out of the rooms. What is not cool, is if a moderator goes out of their way to abuse a member because they think it is their god given duty to protect all other female chatters within the room, for god knows what reason. I don't agree with this at all. If a moderator is so concerned with appearing the dominant alpha male in order to abuse power and kick out people they don't like, a great many trolls will actually sip in and slip by, wreaking having and breaking policy to the detriment of the overall room. Perhaps this is the reason that the adult room is considered to be fucked up by some people, overly conservative in its rules, and avoided by frequenters of other rooms who prefer a more civilized, intellectual discourse like those who attend the politics or religion room.
Hi doodoo,

Welcome to 321.

I agree, VIP is absolutely worth it if you plan to get a regular chatter the extra little purks are cool!

As for your comment, it was really not an appropriate comment to be making to anyone.
If you had of made the comment to a male, the result would have been the same outcome.
On this occasion it was not just the moderator white knighting a woman - your kick length was not just due to that comment alone but recent behaviours as well.
Which you are more then welcome to message me about if you wish to discuss it further.

You say the Adult chat is considered to be fucked up by some, yet it is very much loved by many..
If people feel that it is 'fucked up' by us not allowing comments to be made to people like; "I told a girl in there to swallow a cock like the slut that she is" so be it.

Many people come to Adult chat and 321 to avoid having comments like that made to them, because it is a moderatored site which doesn't allow the trolling, abuse, racism, harassment, sexual advances, scammers - the list goes on.. we try to give people a safe environment to go, to enjoy chat.

If there is any issues with any moderators in Adult or the room itself, you are always welcome to contact me.

If you wish to discuss it any further, my PMs (on here or 321) are always open.

Take care.