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Do you like your job?

Its note high flying or anything like that but I'd rather be in a job I love than say a doctor or lawyer n be miserable ya know.
I'm taxi driver note special only to me
Its note high flying or anything like that but I'd rather be in a job I love than say a doctor or lawyer n be miserable ya know.
I'm taxi driver note special only to me
It only has to be meaningful to you.

I had jobs I was really good at prior to the one I have now, but I was so unhappy at them.
I'm alright at the job I'm at now (maybe I'm being modest, depends on who you ask), but I am so incredibly happy with it.
I do like my job. As I've stated in another thread it's not what my dream job was but it's very fulfilling. I get to help people and remain behind the scenes. I wouldn't like something like nursing because I do not have the compasison for such. The biggest down fall is how my job is viewed in other departments. We are grossly underpaid than other departments and looked down on by most nursing staff. Which sadlly is not the case since we have as much or sometimes even more education than them it's just in different subjects.