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Curious about IQ Tests.

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I've been looking into what IQ was all about. I've always been into how the mind works. I've been taking tests online for a week now. Trying to find patterns and stuff. I want your insights and your ideas about IQ. How do you feel about it. What your IQ is and does it effect you in certain ways. Is life easier for higher IQ people? Is it harder for lower? I know it's stupid but I'm very interested. Please reply. I'll be searching some more. Thanks.
You and my parents have the same interests. I only know this stuff because of them. They forced me to take the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) when I was younger. And a few years later, they got me to take the Mensa IQ test. It consisted of trick questions, finding patterns, memorization, etc. I scored 148 on the WISC and 140 for Mensa. Which was a decent score.

I did know someone with a genius-level IQ, though, and became close friends with him through the years. His IQ ranged from 160 to 180. I met him in high school. He was socially awkward, and we shared a lot of the same views and interests. So we got along quite well.

Anyone could tell he was intelligent just from his speech alone. He spoke with logic and was always straightforward. Not to mention his impressive vocabulary and witty sense of humor.
I never saw him study, yet I never saw him fail a test. He breezed through school with ease and even skipped some grades.

We'd always test each other with brain games and puzzles. He was outstanding at chess and could solve the 15 puzzle in a matter of seconds.
Even so, we were still boys and spoke vulgarly to one another and would fuck around all the time. We played video games, made memes, and arm wrestled every single day.

He graduated early and went off to a decent college. He started following the wrong crowd and dropped out four months in. He has an alcohol addiction and is currently going through depression. He works at a food market as a cashier. We stopped talking about a year ago. His parents were also pushy with his IQ and intellectual crap. He and I never discussed that bullshit together. It never crossed our minds. We honestly wished we had never taken the tests. We'd be a lot happier if we didn't. He was brilliant beyond my understanding. It's a shame.

I was young when I took the tests. I'd imagine it would be scary to take an IQ test now. If you score below average, people will use it against you and fill you with doubt. If you score above average, you'll use it against others, and you'll grow arrogant. It's just a big mess that could easily be ignored.

Honestly, I don't think an IQ score will dictate whether your life will be easier or not. Everyone has their own journey.
I have friends who were a lot slower in studies but have jobs that are five times better than all five of mine together. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying.
But in the long run, I did ask for it. I was a lazy bastard. I stopped most of my studies after I graduated and refused to go to college.

Yeah, and I know every user here averages around 160 IQ. And I'm just another slacker on the internet sharing a story but...
I do recommend you forget about IQ tests. It's all FUCKED! Have a nice day. I should stop before this gets any more edgy.

will smith mib GIF
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@Chatter I searched and 140 is actually a very good score. Why do you hate IQ so much? What is it to you? I took some tests and it said I had an IQ of 150. Which is near genius. I'm not arrogant about it. I'm also sorry about your friend he seemed great. Very sorry.
@Chatter also why did you refuse to go to college if you have a high IQ. Can't you just pass it easily? That was pretty stupid on your part no offense. Please reply before you leave.
Why do you hate IQ so much? What is it to you? I took some tests and it said I had an IQ of 150.
also why did you refuse to go to college if you have a high IQ. Can't you just pass it easily? That was pretty stupid on your part no offense.

In all honesty, I believe IQ tests are just another ridiculous government-made divider in society. The High IQ Society is a cult. The tests make people like my parents feel superior to others.

These tests determine if you're a good problem solver and can see patterns. It's nothing but a J-trap hiding in plain sight. The government wants all the information they can get on those individuals. These IQ tests caused a whole lot more grief than anything else.

And none taken. Take care.✌️
@Chatter thanks for replying. Sorry to be rude. You seem more like a paranoid schizophrenic than someone with a brain. No offense. You obviously don't know what IQ is. And your friend is probably just has an IQ of 115 or something and you're backing him up.
thanks for replying. Sorry to be rude. You seem more like a paranoid schizophrenic than someone with a brain. No offense. You obviously don't know what IQ is. And your friend is probably just has an IQ of 115 or something and you're backing him up.

I'm sorry if I offended you with that dull story of mine.
I should stop listening to those talking candles and start taking orders from the balloon people. They'll know what to say...

gbuehuifh3nfhfjiahujwicywhujquhcwucjjwuef83hfd38hhf3h8fh3hf8fh39hr2h39hf39fhiu3dh3. YAHHHH! NAHHHH! 487hfh83jfh9hdhdw.
SILLA! VANILLA! 8jwdiuwdhwihfuwhfhwihfufh98fh348huhewhwuiiwufwhfgyu. KA! KAAHHHHHH! whuhiwhuifwiuwfhuhiuwhiufwiufhuiwiufwuiuwuiufwiuiuhfwiwFuhfuhui?

iuuihwygfggc77h2uu98289huf98hfdhuUiuwuiwiucuiwu8w89f82hfg8wu4gbfuiw98q SAH! KA-ZAH! yr82hf8w98ch9q9hd99wqh.
f9whdfh9whfh9qwh9f98rChwhhwh99qh9ufhw9hf9whf9hw9hh9wf9hhwjdjdhvhKw. AHH! AHH! AHHHH!
ciuwubciw ZING! POW! POP! TROL-LICK! ubf8y3bwiuwduFwuufgiibhcuwbwiufcbqbiqfbqfbuqqubfuqufuqinxyFybcwAiu.

bciwincNuiwbvbiwubn. CLICKLE! CLICKLE! CLACK! iacceybqidnaxnbwbxxiwbefbiDwfibuqiqniqybfbub2uduidinuKuqiudgq.
uiixnugwfguiqiquugfgicuIbuiwgiyqyedygidxqiygfygvbyqygdiydqyqydyqbcuybwubu. ZING! ZING! POW! Lbwyfiwifuw?

uLivgwfiruggiuhhweggwiuugfuif892uwY9927277whw9hOhr39. RUBBER! SLUBBER!

Homer Simpson Thinking GIF
Going Crazy Homer Simpson GIF
@Chatter you're just a sad mistake. You're homophobic antisemitic most likely a sexist asshole. I've seen you chat you're so sarcastic and weird. Youre always transphobic. Get a life. Youre not funny. Byeeee POS.
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