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Buying VIP with gold

ofcourse since chatmaster likes his money, the gold requirement can be like 7500-12500 or something like that
i just want my vip back >:[
than people who ask others for gold or just save up doing nothing can get it for free. instead of ur idea they should be a bundle deal with gold and vip cuz that would sell if advertised and was a good deal
than people who ask others for gold or just save up doing nothing can get it for free. instead of ur idea they should be a bundle deal with gold and vip cuz that would sell if advertised and was a good deal
people already beg for gold, hell even moderators do it yet chatmaster can give less of a fuck
also afk’ing is definitely an option to the point you’d get it for fucking free
@Astral_Divinity How did you lose your VIP?
got banned, chatmaster realized he had a BS claim, i returned, i came back to suffering, and also literally any other words i can put together to make it seem like i dont want to be here but my friends want me to since thats the essentially the problem

reason for ban: advertisement
what accounted me for advertisement? talking to my good buds about why they quit discord and realized that the conversation made us closer as friends, the only thing that may have counted as advertising was the part where i was telling them to get discord, then stopped when they started to explain why they quit the app, as thats completely harmless. its kind of like how chatmaster openly persuades people to waste 15 bucks on his website.
ofcourse, i appealed and had balls luck, and i obviously couldnt get my evidence (the fucking messages where i WASNT advertising) that i wasnt advertising because well they banned me from the site
321 chat is pretty fuckin cool
The gold is only from time spent. The money for the site comes from vip memberships and probably ad. I don't see ad being able to sustain the need for servers and such.