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Bot verification


New member
Hello I propose adding a bot verification step to the account creation process, requiring you to provide proof that you are human. By doing this, the quantity of bot spam would be decreased and all the bots would be prevented from signing up. I hope that this advice is useful. have a great day. I hope to receive a response shortly.
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Unforutnatley there are verifications used but as quickly as they're developed so are bot engineers that program bots to bypass them. I would wager you won't find a chat site that has successfully rid themselves of all bots. The issue has been present for years and will probably be ongoing for many more.
Unforutnatley there are verifications used but as quickly as they're developed so are bot engineers that program bots to bypass them. I would wager you won't find a chat site that has successfully rid themselves of all bots. The issue has been present for years and will probably be ongoing for many more.
I understand that was only a suggestion to prevent bots from logging in quickly. Another option would be verification and authentication, but they will also bypass those. But, I suppose, the more steps taken to ensure that you are human, the fewer bots there will be. For example, if they do not verify their email for authentication, they will be unable to communicate in main or private messages. This could be another option.
I understand that was only a suggestion to prevent bots from logging in quickly. Another option would be verification and authentication, but they will also bypass those. But, I suppose, the more steps taken to ensure that you are human, the fewer bots there will be. For example, if they do not verify their email for authentication, they will be unable to communicate in main or private messages. This could be another option.
The ideas are welcoming and like you said any decrease in them is for the better. I'd keep thinking them up and posting them. Maybe they'll implement the most practical!
I understand that was only a suggestion to prevent bots from logging in quickly. Another option would be verification and authentication, but they will also bypass those. But, I suppose, the more steps taken to ensure that you are human, the fewer bots there will be. For example, if they do not verify their email for authentication, they will be unable to communicate in main or private messages. This could be another option

theyre creating these accounts and getting them verified weeks and months earlier that way they have a shitload of fake profiles ready to pop in and in and in and in and in at will...
The ideas are welcoming and like you said any decrease in them is for the better. I'd keep thinking them up and posting them. Maybe they'll implement the most practical!
I agree, and I am confident they will find a more practical solution to manage with bots making many accounts. Another proposal is that all new users chat up to a specific level before being able to add profile and background pictures. This would help to limit the number of accounts established. It will not prevent bots from making accounts, but it will reduce their number. They may try to get around this by instructing the bot to talk for a specified length of time, but this will only help to prevent the bots from posting improper profile and background photographs; they will not be able to upload pictures right away.
theyre creating these accounts and getting them verified weeks and months earlier that way they have a shitload of fake profiles ready to pop in and in and in and in and in at will...
You are right. My next recommendation is what I mentioned above; perhaps this would help limit the number of bots creating several accounts.