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Board Games

That sound pretty cool.

I wanted to get Cards Against Humanity but I wanted something more child friendly so we got Guess Who instead.
So fighting over board games isn't just an American thing eh. TBH not sure till my mom starts drangin them out. It never ends well now that I'm older and know when she tries to cheat and gets caught and my dad allows it, but then again I don't share a room with her like he does lol.
stuck at home with covid but at thanksgiving my cousins pulled out some game called Splendor...i got the hang of it and realized i could win on my next turn...ONE turn before my lil cousin won ...seemed stupid at first but once it clicked i was into it
Which board games will your family be fighting over this year?!

There's a game I saw where you have a pen and draw in the air and it makes it on the tv or something.. might go get it when the shops die down!
They actually made a special edition game called " Watervilleopoly". Exactly like Monopoly but uses exact landmarks and businesses where we all were born. Like a blast from the past!