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Banner kick


New member
a picture of me in a tee shirt should not be a time out,kick or ban. It's me and non-nude. I do not care what type of things you can think of could happen, whatever you can think up can be said about any regular picture, My chest is NOT inappropriate picture.
The end
Did you show your whole face and everything or was it just a pic zoomed in at your chest. Because yes for a teen chat that is inappropriate.
A zoomed-in picture of your chest is considered inappropriate because it focuses on a private part of your body. Regardless of which room you were in, sharing or displaying such an image is unnecessary and can make others uncomfortable. If it was a regular selfie showing your face and the upper part of your body, it would likely have been acceptable and should not have been taken down. However, it’s important to be mindful of how different types of photos might be perceived and ensure that they respect everyone’s comfort and boundaries.