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Auto Mark as Spam is Annoying


New member
hey its me Damon Salvatore, you people need to fucking get rid of the auto mark as spam that mutes people, you know it annoys us and you do nothing about it, you just leave it on there and then we get muted for just trying to post one image, if you want people to actually enjoy posting images take it the fuck off, and I'm sorry if this is rude, its just annoying, unfair, etc. and you know this, please please please please take it off of the site so we can post images without being muted, this is why i hate 321, but i stay because its the only thing i can use to talk to my girlfriend, you owners do nothing about things that annoy us like this when you should, and then you expect us to be good users and just go by everything you do, yeah well what do we do when we're muted for spamming when all we did was post ONE FUCKING LINK FOR AN IMAGE, we cant because its annoying, please do something about this, i don't care if i get banned I'm just stating the facts
Like ChatMaster said in the screenshot I attached, the filter system is not perfect. Users will get muted wrongfully. The filter is set up to protect and retain users. If we took out the auto mark as spam, then some bad links may be sent in a chat room, and other links not allowed may be sent as well. At times, there may not be a staff member online to see that a bad link has been sent in the chat. This is a reason why there is a filter system that operates 24/7.

The site link may have had a certain word that was not ok. If you take a look at the screenshot I have, you'll see what kind of links are not acceptable. You can send a message to a staff member to help you with your issue.

Take a look at the screenshot I have for more information on posting links.
hey its me Damon Salvatore, you people need to fucking get rid of the auto mark as spam that mutes people, you know it annoys us and you do nothing about it, you just leave it on there and then we get muted for just trying to post one image, if you want people to actually enjoy posting images take it the fuck off, and I'm sorry if this is rude, its just annoying, unfair, etc. and you know this, please please please please take it off of the site so we can post images without being muted, this is why i hate 321, but i stay because its the only thing i can use to talk to my girlfriend, you owners do nothing about things that annoy us like this when you should, and then you expect us to be good users and just go by everything you do, yeah well what do we do when we're muted for spamming when all we did was post ONE FUCKING LINK FOR AN IMAGE, we cant because its annoying, please do something about this, i don't care if i get banned I'm just stating the facts
Funniest time I saw this was on Quiz Nights room where correct answer to question was suicide - three people got muted for giving right answer! …. And didn’t even get the points lol