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attack of the bots


New member
It is somewhat incomprehensible that the bots are taking over 321. If I were to type in the name of a competitor chat site, I would be automatically banned and would need to apply for forgiveness and ask for re-instatement.

There is a list within the system software that lets you, the owner / manager, ban certain phrases. The appropriate person needs to add these sites the bot is showing to the list. I have seen three different URLS in the past week that are being displayed. Once they would be added, it would slow this bot down. New ones could be added as needed but the authority must be give n to someone to do this. It is clear that the mods or admins who are on the site do not have this authority. The creator of this software can be reached via email, as described on their website. They will respond if asked, I am sure.
you see the thing is as soon as it gets added to getting "spam banned" the person creating the bots changes the links so it's just an endless cycle of: creating links, bots spamming said links and adding the link to automatically get banned.
Unfortunately the bots will always have a way to bypass almost every option that we can use to prevent them from accessing the site as that is how they were programmed by the bot developer.

However this does not mean we have given up and are in fact working behind the scenes to create a solution that will hopefully keep them out for good, if not drastically reduce bot activity across the site than ever before. We encourage everyone to continue reporting the bots so we can remove them as quick as possible.
Can't you simply add the URLs to the same list that is used to prevent people from putting in other chat site addresses? I have noticed only a few actual URLs being used but many names posting them. If a person types in a competitor chat site, they are autobanned. I would think this method could be employed readily. If they have to use multiple URLs, it is they who will have to pay for it. Eventually it will get costly for them.
Can't you simply add the URLs to the same list that is used to prevent people from putting in other chat site addresses? I have noticed only a few actual URLs being used but many names posting them. If a person types in a competitor chat site, they are autobanned. I would think this method could be employed readily. If they have to use multiple URLs, it is they who will have to pay for it. Eventually it will get costly for them.
As quick as you add them to the spam filter they notice and change the url, the font, and characters.

They are mass produced burner urls. Itd be one continous rat race. I'm sure the site updates common and often used ones but its an issue on any site that offers codychat.
Within minutes, the url is change or any phrase that is used. Yes, they eventually return again and try it. But they change easily. And completely.

It’s an issue for all social media platforms.
I’ve since heard that people are thinking we use the bots to generate revenue. Here is an attached image of me searching the term “bots” in my messages to the webmaster. All that I’ve edited is the name.


We don’t want the bots there. They’re a nuisance and actually cost money in the mass uploading of images they do.

I had to test something earlier today and logged in as a register user. I was immediately messaged by two bots. It was disappointing to know that users aren’t reporting but I appreciate it can be tiring at times when it’s all you seem to be doing.
I’ve since heard that people are thinking we use the bots to generate revenue. Here is an attached image of me searching the term “bots” in my messages to the webmaster. All that I’ve edited is the name.

View attachment 3428

We don’t want the bots there. They’re a nuisance and actually cost money in the mass uploading of images they do.

I had to test something earlier today and logged in as a register user. I was immediately messaged by two bots. It was disappointing to know that users aren’t reporting but I appreciate it can be tiring at times when it’s all you seem to be doing.
sometimes after you report a number of bots the system tells you that you've used up your allotment of reports for the day.
sometimes after you report a number of bots the system tells you that you've used up your allotment of reports for the day.
yeah that's just to do with how many things you can report which haven't been delt with. You just have to wait for a mod to come online and hopefully your report is delt with so you can report other things if you need to
yeah that's just to do with how many things you can report which haven't been delt with. You just have to wait for a mod to come online and hopefully your report is delt with so you can report other things if you need to
Thanks @Dagger I was replying to @ChatMaster saying " It was disappointing to know that users aren’t reporting but I appreciate it can be tiring at times when it’s all you seem to be doing." We ARE reporting. But we are limited to how much we can report. In the meantime, now that I am banned for fake spam, I cannot do any reporting.
I’ve since heard that people are thinking we use the bots to generate revenue. Here is an attached image of me searching the term “bots” in my messages to the webmaster. All that I’ve edited is the name.

View attachment 3428

We don’t want the bots there. They’re a nuisance and actually cost money in the mass uploading of images they do.

I had to test something earlier today and logged in as a register user. I was immediately messaged by two bots. It was disappointing to know that users aren’t reporting but I appreciate it can be tiring at times when it’s all you seem to be doing.
The speculations people make becaus they aren't happy with the efforts of a site is so stupid. Why would anyone want bots on their site? They create adfraud, drive away actual paying members, post links that are normally malicious or are IP grabbers, and bog down server capacity.

Some people sadly don't understand the tech part of it and the tiresome efforts made to combat this issue.

Keep up the good work.