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Any users unable to get in or having a hard time? (Editing)


New member
The site is acting very odd so how long you guys think it would take to fix everything. I have looked at the forums knows what was going on. This random user struck us from out of the blue it would be hard to know when but thinking about you have to make accounts from the start. What do you think this random user would do to this chat? I do not understand what is going on you get muted for a hour but if you talk you get kicked. I cannot get back in was muted for a hour soon getting kicked when talking. This stuff is very odd but a little disturbing cause you don't know what this user wants to do. I want this to be solved very soon but we have to tolerate this as opposed to getting angry about this. This is very frightful but we have to see what the Admins/Mods tell us what to do. I think the admins would fix things when they can but have to talk to see what can be solved. I was VIP to but I pray things ill get fixed.
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Idk he'd probably try to steal people's ip addresses, credit card information, names, ages. It's scary because they literally block you off from accessing the website to delete your account before worse happens...